Hi there!
A person who's rude would be rude, regardless of full or partial knowledge of facts. And if they are not because they know, then it's just (un)due bias or pretence or feigned pity or a coming into play of their one good trait overshadowing that vice of theirs. The latter case not being so bad though. Jumped right into it, didn't I?
Okay let's back up a bit.
I must say, it's so cool that this is a prompt because I always call out, even if not to their faces, people who are unnecessarily and unfairly rude, or mean or just ignorantly so and there's nothing worse than a rude ignoramus, I mean ignorance is already not ideal on its own. Okay fine, there is/are but they're bad all the same.
Did you know that ignorance is not an excuse in law? Well it isn't, and if one can't be let off the hook from something that has such dire consequences as the law because of their ignorance of it, why then should... uh you know... Couldn't find the right sequence but you get me. That's one theory, let's consider more.
A person who's polite would always be (unless they're pushed to the wall and are not doormats) and a person who's rude would predominantly be and if you have to know the full story before being polite then you're just rude. Being rude is a vice, being nice is obviously a virtue and some may have reservations because they think being nice comes with stuff like being stepped on but I think it's being overly nice that has that company. Just because you're a polite or nice person does not mean you have to be a weakling or that you cannot put your foot to the ground in certain circumstances and so I think everybody should be nice regardless of their oblivion.
A general rule of the burden of proof in law is "innocent until proven guilty". If you're going to be rude based off of nothing or the cover of the book then you've already judged the situation and convicted the person yeah? Before even looking into the book and then when you get the chance to, if you do, it becomes a I'm-sorry-I-did-not-know situation or pardon-me-I-spoke-too-soon.🙄 Another common quote, "prevention is better than cure."
My point is, the first line of action is to be the opposite of rude regardless of your being in the know of the real state of things, and then if after knowing, "rudeness" is called for, then, by all means, have at it. A deservedly rude response to any situation shouldn't be tagged rude though, after the fact that is, it is and should be what it is; reprimand, bitter truth, whatever.
Always grateful for the opportunity to read great pieces and the opportunity to drop a piece.
Until next time. Xoxo.
PS: Ignore the plastic in the first image, it's Nigeria, littering is, quite unfortunately, the norm. In defence of the keepers of that conservation centre though, it was probably silly kids throwing stuff at the monkeys.
Don't you love the sun-kissed grass? Yeah, that's why I captured it anyway. 😀
Hey, being polite never hurt anyone, it's rather rewarding to say the least, don't be full of excuses or apologies, it paints a bad image.
The pictures very accordant, as many people who claim to be polite are ignorant and rude by littering everywhere, very good writing 😎😁👌.
Many thanks! 😁
It's quite an interesting concept to state it's black or white. Very little in life is black or white. I know people who are the absolute example of polite, but push them too far, you may be on the receiving end of their wrath. We all have a range of emotions for a reason.
I'm generally very polite and what you label as "nice" but there are also instances where I feel that people do take advantage of that when they view it as a point of weakness. I also know many people that are generally very brash, abrupt and rude and yet, get to know them and they are actually very nice people, they just prefer to be harsh at first glance.
First impressions may last for some, but I never judge people based solely off my first interaction with them as people are never one dimensional.
I agree, which is why I said so in my post.
This is in context to ignorance of facts you know, wasn't speaking generally. It's like excusing a lawyer for being rude to a client he/she assumes is guilty because he didn't know they weren't. I hope you catch my meaning, haha. I don't judge people based on first impressions either, so many things go wrong for so many people the first time around for anything.