Weekend Engagement 172: Three points of wisdom that are relevant for 10 year olds

Hello friends in Weekend Experience Community, My post today is to contribute to Weekend Engagement Topics: Week 172, with admin @galenkp. In Week 172 I will choose a topic : You're asked to give a classroom of ten year old children three relevant points of wisdom - What are they and why?

I chose this topic because it is relevant to my work as a teacher in a junior high school. As a teacher in junior high school, I am used to instilling moral values in students, even though the subject I teach is natural science, teaching, instilling and familiarizing children with moral values is our shared responsibility, for the sake of the sustainability of life in a more humane earth.

Children at the age of 10 are children who experience a period of quite "explosive" emotional changes, because the age of 10 is a transition period from childhood to adolescence. They begin to form strong emotional bonds and relationships with their peers. It is during this period that children must be accustomed to having good morals in accordance with the traditions and regulations that exist in the community where the children live. For 10 year old children, three points of wisdom that are relevant in their lives are :
1.Obey the advice of parents and teachers

Children must get used to listening to advice from parents and teachers. Teachers and older people often give some advice to children, because teachers and parents have lived earlier and have more experience than children. At the age of 10, this emotional transition from childhood to adolescence requires supervision from older people, so that children do not fall into juvenile delinquency.


2.Respect older people and love younger people.

In this world there are too many people who are intelligent because they go to schools with very good curricula and expensive fees. But in this world there is a shortage of people who have good morals and manners, especially manners towards older people. Many elite schools only prioritize cognitive achievements and forget about good affective/attitude achievements. Children often forget to respect their elders, they feel that the money and power their family has can buy whatever they want, so that manners towards older people are simply forgotten.They also forget their loving attitude towards younger children, even children as young as 10 years old think that children younger than them are the subjects of bullying. As older people, we must get used to children during this transitional period having good manners, namely respecting older people and loving younger children, so that we can achieve a life in the world full of love.

3.Respecting diversity without distinguishing between religion and ethnicity.

Science that continues to develop also brings developments to the social life of society. Many good and benevolent values are starting to be abandoned, such as empathy and caring for the suffering of fellow humans. Children at the age of 10 must start to get used to caring about the community and environment around them, so they are not selfish. Get used to doing good things starting from one's own family, the surrounding community and the world community, without distinguishing between religion, skin color and race. Because the good we do will come back to ourselves sooner or later. Sometimes children act racist because there is influence from the family environment and society around them. As adults, we must apply good values so that everyone is able to appreciate the diversity that exists in this world, because God alone is not racist when he answers the prayers of his servants.

Thank you for reading my post.
Best Regards


Your words are full of wisdom. It can change the world for the better.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

Thanks for support and positif feedback @mrexperienciado


Image is by galenkp and is not for your use.

You are welcome @galenkp