My Sundays have gradually lost their characteristic fragrance, because even the days have a smell. I could be encapsulated for several weeks in a room and I am sure I could recognize a Sunday, because its energy is different, peaceful and calm, independent of the circumstances, I mean its essence, which seems to be the product of a collective feeling, is what I believe.
I remember many fragrances of Sundays through which I passed and so many have been anchored in beautiful memories, such as family breakfasts, some stories of my mother, the comics with my brothers and board games, ludo or bingo, we enjoyed together, preparing the school uniform and school supplies, I liked Sundays.
As the years went by, things changed, as is natural. In general I remained immersed in the energy of Sunday for most of my life, a day of rest and apathy sometimes, sometimes sharing with a human love, sometimes with one of the cats that have accompanied me, and who are no longer with me. A walk in the mountains, on a Sunday, was my favorite day to do it.
So many moments, so many sighs that come to my mind when I think of my Sundays of the past.
Today, well, here it is still Sunday and I can still smell it. I can write this feeling a little relaxed, after an afternoon of a few beers with a friend.
It was a pleasant moment, which was complemented by seeing very closely a couple of winged species. The first one was a hummingbird, I love hummingbirds, just the fact of seeing one fills me with hope, I have a couple of stories with them but they are not relevant right now, the truth is that I had a long time without seeing one, it is difficult in the chaotic part of the city where I live, and today it happened. Then, after a while, a butterfly landed on my bag and stayed there for a while.
I like to think they are divine signs that I have been asking for because I have had some complicated and emotionally stressful days, asking for enlightenment in my steps. Do the hummingbird and the butterfly have something to do with it? Do they represent a bit of hope perhaps? A little bit of consolation ?
I am still sighing a little bit this Sunday, after all it has been a good day, except that I had to work as it is now usual in my Sundays, tending the counter of a small bakery and this is the bad part of my Sundays of the present. Today I was lucky to finish early, at 15:00 (it is not always like that) since 8:00, it is not a big sacrifice but it has several disadvantages, for example, that street is totally noisy, music (if you can call it music) at high volume in different businesses, that is, a tangle of noises and you do not feel the tranquility of Sunday that I talked about at the beginning.
And if I were to count more disadvantages, the list would be long, but I think it is enough to say that what I don't like about my weekends is that I have to work on Sundays.
Still, I find moments to immerse myself in the peaceful and comforting energy of Sunday.
A freshly brewed coffee, a smile with a customer, offering the hot bread first and seeing people leave happy with their purchase.... Ohh yeah, it's not so bad, but I won't miss it when I stop doing it.
P.S: Galenkp, it happened again. Today a lady asked about bread prices and it was obvious she couldn't afford them. A chicha asked for 2 large loaves in separate bags.... And he gave one to the lady.
Until the next time.
this weekend.This writing is inspired by @galenkp's proposal for
Photographs captured and edited with my phone.