Hello my dear friends of #WEEKEND EXPERIENCES, it is a pleasure to greet you, trusting in God that you had an excellent weekend, in the company of friends and family.
I want to tell you that we had planned this "Cachapada" for 15 days, last weekend we could not do it and we rescheduled it for this past Sunday, so we could celebrate Children's Day at once, since it would be celebrated here in Venezuela. The truth is that we almost cancelled it again because it was my turn to make the cachapas, but due to unexpected situations I got sick on Saturday (my brothers did not know my situation), Sunday came and I did not give signs of life hahahahahahahahaha, the reality was that I did not feel well at all, suddenly messages began to arrive because I did not arrive at the place, they were from early hours peeling, cutting and grinding corn, my younger sister tried to make the cachapas and could not, they stuck to the aripo hahahahahahahahaha, my niece told me in voice notes: tiaaaaaaaaaa appears jajajajajajajajajajajajajaja aunt hurry up we are hungry and these people do not know how to make cachapas. .... it was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon; the truth is that listening to her notes gave me the strength to get out of bed to fulfill my part of the commitment with them.
When I arrived you can imagine everything they said hahahahahahahaha, but we managed to make the cachapas, at first there were four to calm the diners, then I was gradually making two and finally one. We are a family that loves to do these things together, my mom was the pioneer in organizing the soups, the empanadazos, the cachapadas; she is no longer here but we have not stopped continuing with our tradition and we are teaching it to our children and grandchildren; everyone collaborates, there is no one who does not do the errand 😂😂😂
Life gives us unrepeatable moments and I enjoy each one of them, I hope you enjoyed my experience on Sunday, the images are my property.
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Sorry, I want to apologize for my mistake, I forgot the community rule that you could only post in English, I'm really sorry!
I have already edited the publication.
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