Long weekend - Getting out of the routine.

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

Hey what's up friends? The first week of December is over and here in Spain we can say that it was a long weekend, since Friday was a holiday and here they had a long weekend.
For me it was not the case😂😂 I only had Saturday and Sunday as my weekend, which was a bit entertaining and busy, I still don't know how I survived it. I honestly did a lot of things in one day like working, going out with my friends and partying afterwards.


Well first of all as always, early at work for the opening, at 8am and it has been incredibly cold, so much so that for a moment it made a very dense fog, I thought it was smoke or something like that, until I realized that it was fog, and that's why we are getting closer and closer to the beginning of winter. It didn't last long though as it actually felt a bit strong 😂😂. I was waiting for the opening of the store outside maybe 4 or 5° the truth was feeling very cold and I have a new jacket.


Once there a little bit more of the same with work, but my schedule was great because I went home 15 minutes before 12 noon, I prepared my lunch and went downtown with friends to buy some things at Primark and eat. I bought some overalls, cotton socks and flannels for work, we walked a bit through the streets, in one of it we passed by a side of the botanical garden, but we didn't go in so we wouldn't run out of time.
One of the streets had a super cool dinosaur fossil replica, and of course nothing like seeing all the Christmas decorations everywhere, something super cool.








Something funny is that my friends eat at Burger King and I'm more of a McDonald's guy, we walked into the place with a glass of BK and everyone looked at us super weird.


From here everything became a little different, closing the place on my shift from 5-10pm, we went to the pool in plan to go to clear the mind but after a few drinks we went to the disco 😂, one of my friends who is Spanish offered to take me home and for a moment I thought I would die haha, but all good. The bad thing was getting home at 5am to sleep, then work at 9am, it's something you only do once.




Sunday was a little quieter, I went to work, I went to cut hair, cook and make hamburgers for my roommates. Although I was able to go to lunch with my other friends, I wasn't in the mood, they abandoned me and went to a buffet without me.




By the way, on Sunday at closing time I left the tables padlocked and had to go back to the terrace at 8pm to padlock them, since I had taken it with me in my pocket. I remembered being in each one and I had to go so they wouldn't scold me when I realized.


From here we say goodbye, see you next time.