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RE: I've Got To Cut Back On My Expenses... [WE 145]

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

I need to cut down on how I spend on data but it's going to be hard, that I know.

I see meme like "if it's not for my data subscription, I should have a house in lekki😂. It's funny but it's true. Most people don't like doing monthly subscription but that's the best. Subscribe monthly,this way, one can be diligent with their usage.

Sorry about your tummy aches. I hope the method you found would work out✨


Haha my dear, I do monthly subscription but use it for less than two weeks 😂
Thanks to Tiktok

Thanks dear, it's showing signs that it's better than the others I've spent on 🙂

but use it for less than two weeks 😂
Thanks to Tiktok

This also happens 😂

Thanks dear, it's showing signs that it's better than the others I've spent on 🙂

It's just a matter of time then.