I'm not a big spender, especially if it's something that can't last. So while using the thousand dollars to do something like a bucket list trip would be very tempting, I would likely opt for something else. Why do it if I have less than 48 hours to explore :( ... When you factor in the time to go through customs, get to the hotel, eat, sleep, etc you won't have time to see more than a couple of places and then not properly.
Since it has to be an activity, on the first day I would take a long time friend on a shopping spree. We would probably end up buying useful things mostly but surely there would be a few fun things! Maybe some outdoor gear? A new computer? Who knows, but it would sure be fun to find out!
Once finished, we would eat out. Probably get a couple of extra large pizzas, so there would be plenty of leftovers. And don't forget the dessert.
On the next day, we would go to a theme park. One with plenty of cool rides, such as roller coasters, ferris wheels, bungee swings, and those things that spin through the air. Having selected the wildest rides in advance, we would easily get everything in! And even have time for popcorn, cotton candy, elephant ears, and other treats. What is a theme park without treats?
While I do value experiences very highly, I would definitely like to spend my weekend this way. Why? Because the things mentioned on the first day could allow many future weekends of adventure and enjoyment too - all while still enjoying the present. And the second day? Because it's fun of course!
#1000weekend first tag
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It was my pleasure, I hope you will enjoy reading it :)
Lol... I hope I'm the friend that will be flexing this $1000 with you 😂. Hehe. Interesting.
Going for a trip surely sounds cool, but when you don't have enough time, doing it your way will be a more interesting approach.
Well Done
Thanks, I know we would have a lot of fun 🙌 And yeah, why spend so much just to hop off of the plane, then right back on before you can see anything! It needs to be a week, minimum.
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Spending time with friends are the best to enjoy a weekend with money to spend.
Definitely 🙌 Sharing always makes something more special!
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Thanks oldschool! Still comfortable calling you that nickname 😂
And it was my first username ever too ❤️ A loooooong time ago 😂
i like thet oldschool than your nick here...hehe
If I remember correctly, Oldschool was taken before I joined, but I will have to check. That was also a long time ago 🤣
(3/3) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@wrestlingdesires
And its hard to start again now.. though you'll just have to introduce yourself if ever
It is what you take from the experience not what it cost i believe in my humble opinion. 😎
Our kids remember the small things over the big trips kind of funny.🤣
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!ALIVEInteresting post @wrestlingdesires
Exactly 🙌 And we should follow their example ❤️
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