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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Selling art is not an easy task; there is a reason the "starving artist" persona is so well known.

I, too, am an introvert. I have found that it helps to make that known right up front when interactive with new people. I once volunteered on a sailing ship and, at the team's first dinner, I introduced myself by outright admitting that meeting new people sends me into internal hysterics and that one of the reasons for volunteering was to help manage that. It worked! It helped me, and the others on the team were very welcoming about it.


Selling art is not an easy task; there is a reason the "starving artist" persona is so well known.

At least now gamers can thrive...

Were you on that ship for long?

I left a job to attempt a career at professional photography. That lasted as long as it took to realise I still had to support my family, so it wasn't very long. I had then decided that it would be "a side hustle." It never turned into that, and it is just now a hobby I enjoy, much like writing or designing games.

It is true that no matter how hard we try not all your ideas are gonna succeed. At times just wishing for something to happen is not enough to turn them in reality.