Roadtrip durch Südfrankreich - mit dem Dachzelt durchs Land // Road trip through the south of France - With the roof tent through the country

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago


  • Hey and hello my lovely community <3


  • Hey und Hallo meine liebe Community <3

Once again we were in France this summer and discovered some beautiful places that I would like to tell you about today...
I'm going to set it up again as a kind of diary so that you can see the most beautiful places for yourselves :D

This time we didn't just go camping, but had a wonderful roof tent with us, which I can really only recommend... set up and taken down again within minutes and so big and cozy <3

I also thought that maybe I should make a travel guide, as I have already experienced so many magical nights and days... But for now, day 1 :D

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