Autumn in Maryland with the animals 🍂

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)


When I visit my in-laws, near Washington DC, I usually have my hands full. Not just with people, either — I have a large, extended family of nearly 20 nieces/ nephews and there’s always parties going on.

I’m talking about taking care of the animals. From the kitchen, you can see the large peacock 🦚 cage. I try to take them out for a walk to stretch their wings and grab a kiddie or two to help me put them back in their cages, afterwards, since the big birds don’t always cooperate. (Not that I’m blaming them; I’d prefer they slept up in a tree, if I could be sure a fox would not get them).




Also, there’s Pinnicho the cat — who we call a dog in a cat suit, since he’s such a good boy and follows us around wherever we go.


He needs to be fed (dried food in the morning and wet food at night) and he’s kind enough to look the other way and let the peacocks share his food, when they come out for a walk!


Here is the furry dear offering me a live rabbit that he caught & gifted me:

(Mercifully, the clever rabbit got away). 🐰

In the evening, it’s time to take the aging dog, Chubby, out for a walk. Since he can hardly see or hear the cat will tag along & when he smells him, he’ll lunge in his direction.



Throughout the day there will be work to do, too. If I’m not helping out in the kitchen, preparing for a party , I’ll be outdoors lending a hand with the yard work. There are trees to be trimmed, hedges to be manicured and grass to be mowed.




Overall, it’s a real pleasure to be part of such an active household—quite unlike the one I grew up in—and the change of seasons is a minor miracle to behold which never gets old.

Hope you enjoyed this virtual tour and have a safe, fun weekend 🤗




That's the real pleasure, indeed. Seeing autumn in your area, leaves, then oh big peacock is beautiful. I never see peacock again for a long time in my area

Thank you, my friend, for your support. Autumn is lovely in Maryland, but the true miracle is Spring —when the cherry blossoms are in bloom 🌸 and it looks like the ground is covered in pink snow!

Here’s a peek:


I raised Daffy the peacock & two peahens since they were almost babies. They were gifted to us by a family friend in Miami and we drove them up to DC for 17 hours. (They’re truly beautiful creatures, but the sounds they make are not ;)

