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RE: I became me

I love this post. You yourself are quite the writer.

I think we will get along quite well. As a youngster, I delved into books as well. Tolkien, Feist, Jordan, Eddings to name but a few. In recent years also really liked the works done by Steven Erikson.

I have been working on my own epic fantasy world for years now. I am still working on it. Now that I have moved into the new home, I will actively be making time for that.

I hope you find some peace in your soul. I identify with that feeling of fatigue you speak of. You get so exhausted, regular sleep does nothing to relieve the tired feeling in one's bones.


Thank you...I like to write and this one was personal and for my #weekend-engagement topic WE80. I don't usually post about my own topics but wanted to do so on this occasion.

I write fiction also, and behind the word fiction is often a lot of myself and experiences. For the reader the trick is knowing which is which. Like I said before, I write for me, for the enjoyment and cathartic feelings and so I write a lot.

Thanks for your comment and sharing a little about your own writing.

I have been getting the writing "itch" again. Often when I do not get to write something creative I get these really vivid dreams. I am somewhat of a world-builder so even if i am not creating fiction, I am expanding on stuff that exists in my worlds.

Hmmmm... I am getting into that mood again.

We'll get along fine I think. ✅