This was just the start of it. I had planned to go to the Sword and Board hobby shop to do some dedicated painting time. Sure enough, I painted a lot of models while I was there. But I did NOT expect the place to fill up the way it did and that it ended up sounding like a busy club minus the music!
Hi. Zak here from Cape Town, South Africa, and this... is a whole lot of various people, with various hobbies at the Sword and Board hobby shop!
I took up position at the painting table the moment the doors went open and began painting. Soon enough there was a Pokemon tournament on the left of me, a Magic the Gathering tournament on the right side and on the table I was sitting on and the next table onward was just people painting miniatures.
Further up in the shop people were playing Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar games. In the downstairs gaming hall also had games of Warhammer 40,000 and even spilled over card games happening there!
I had never seen the shop that busy and I could only imagine that the next Swordcon would be truly awesome!
Here you can see some painters and some card game players beyond.
The store owner, Brennan brought out his airbrush to showcase it to some of the painters and to do some base coating on more of his Blood Angels Space Marines. Here he is base coating an Impulsor tank.
And here was my painting station. I had managed to work on tanks and infantry while sitting there and I was really happy with my progress. A lot of old miniatures needed some touching up. Squad markings needed to become cohesive and disticnt to make it easy to tell the untis apart when I play the game.
I also got time to work on my Redemptor Dreadnought, though he is not complete yet. Another post will cover that once I am done with him.
Later on there were some of the Slow Grow players who called me down for a rules query. It was a fellow Space Wolf player and a Sisters of Battle player facing off and they needed some rules clarification regarding Heroic Intervention.
This is a rule usually done by Characters that jump in a join a combat. But in the case of Space Wolves, they have that ability across the entire army. Space Wolves love combat!
I ended up staying the last hour or so with these players doing some coaching and helping out while I watched.
And then it was time to pack up and head off home. I had managed to finish a squad and a tank the previous evening and another squad and 80% of a vehicle at the hobby shop. I am feeling optimistic but I am going to need to paint a lot more models to get ready for the Eternal Carnage event on the 13th May.
I am looking forward to that! I will be taking on 2-4 new players with everything that I have already painted against everything THEY have that is already painted... this is my motivation to get my stuff done!
Well, that was my Weekend Experience. Thank you for reading!
What a recreation! I have been dreaming of joining or trying painting on weekends to experience something new.
Those items are cute, the tanks and soldiers. You did well.🙂
Thank you very much. Depending on your country, you can check out whomever stocks Games Workshop games. Cheers!