Weekend Experiences - An Autumn Long Weekend

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I love a good #WeekendExperiences (founded by @galenkp,) #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) and #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108) 3-fer reason to post a story about how the week ended!

I know I am too late for the contest but I have a fun weekend to share and the prompt seems to have been written for it.


First things first! The Prompt!


"A wine tasting tour or brewery tour? Which would you choose and why?" is one of the choices on https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@galenkp/weekend-engagement-topics-week-223 Another one seemingly written for a Blockchain #Beerologist and I bet you know my answer already!

Just this last weekend, I happened to visit both winery and brewery. An anniversary weekend away out of town was on tap so we headed to wine country. Between the wineries we toured, there was a stop at a craft brewery so I have a recent sample from which to draw my conclusion.


The long answer will probably come from a post on a couple of the wineries and a #beersaturday post in the near future. The short answer actually is: winery. Sure I love visiting breweries across the land for the weekly beer blog. Besides the booze, I find wineries so much more rooted in history. A good beer is mainly identical ingredients in different combinations, brewed with a process that is as flawless in the sanitation as possible. A good wine is made with an impossibly unique grape from a vine that has been pushing roots down many decades fermented almost identically to other wine.

The combination of the history lesson with the additionally interesting story of the grape makes a winery slightly better in my book. Now lets go have a beer!


A Fine Autumn Weekend


Though it was a little overcast, it was still a nice day for a drive. This weekend was actually Canadian Thanksgiving so we had an extra day of weekend to enjoy. Rather than travel to see family, we took a weekend to visit those wineries and get away from the house for a change. I wouldn't say we are in peak colour on the autumn leaves but there were some nice ones to see along the way.


Closer to home, the wild maple down the road a couple houses but straight out my front door was in full flame.

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It barely had a lick of red just 3 weeks ago but we have had some nights close to zero as of late.


Even Birdhouse Tree in the dog park is throwing on some gang colours on its way to full red then bare for winter. I have a pile of pictures of this tree from this spot throughout the year and really have to get around to stitching them into a 4-seasons animated gif.


The Goldenrod is not so golden anymore.

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Just a month ago, it seemed to guild every second field.


This little guy doesn't seem to care what the weather is like as he has the time of his life every visit. Wouldn't be a proper weekend adventure if we didn't get out to dogwars.

The Rest


With frost warning in the forecast, it was time for the final harvest of tomatoes. Because I watered them so regularly, pruned the lower branches & leaves, and fertilized at the end of August, they kept growing. If frost hits them too hard, they apparently get mushy and stop ripening. 1 day before frost actually hit, we pulled them all off and are letting them ripen in the sun during the day, and inside at night. They are not sauce tomatoes so I have to figure out how to use them all when they ripen.


I almost forgot to show you the concert we were lucky enough to get a stage side table for. A couple friends sing for this Blue Rodeo tribute band but I had never seen them. I scored a couple tickets for some extra WifePoints© but didn't expect them to be this good. Live music is starting to pick up in this town and I really should do a better job bringing you along with me for the concerts that are about to come.



That about wraps it up for a long autumn weekend in Canada for me. Plenty of colour coming in the next couple weeks and I have a bunch of adventures to catch up on so stay tuned.

All Hail the Weekend Warriors!




Is it as vibrantly autumn where you are?


I love seeing the trees and leaves during this season. Love the colorful photograph.
Have a great weekend ahead.