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RE: In the bath with me

Well, this was quite beautiful to read.

Oh Becca, you have such a way with words! Too much of a way if I might add lol - I almost pictured you naked in the bath! XD.

But hey, I guess it just shows how much skilled of a Writer you are! You're able to paint the pictures you want your readers to see and imagine through your words. I am in awe.

Don't worry about the water usage though. Just be one with the bath...😌


Thank you so much Zeraton, I appreciate your kind words and, yes, I like writing in a way that draws the reader in and makes them feel something. That you ("almost") saw something, images in your mind, is not unexpected as well.

I hope you're well.

Becca 🌷

A pleasure my dear. I am quite well. Take care!