Adios Amigos! See you in a week 😳

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)


I am packed and ready for my big 5-day hike through the Outeniqua mountains on our Garden Route up the east coast of the Western Cape. (Platbos to Harkerville for anyone that’s interested) we will be covering about 76 kilometres over the 5 days and the last 2 days we are expecting a LOT of RAIN. Poncho? Check!

I had loads of gear in the past, but I’ve had to get a few crucial bits in the last couple weeks to be able
to survive the 5 days out there. It’s the type of hike where you walk all day, get to sleep in a stone hut (2 out of the 4 nights there is no electricity or hot water) the other 2 night we live a charmed life with electricity and the bare basics.

Firstly getting my bag (I had a perfect bag but sold it when we thought we were emigrating - COVID killed that plan and left us with a few less items that now I’m finding I could have used) I ordered a bag online which turned out to have a little less padding than was actually necessary to carry a heavy bag for 5 days. So back at our trusty Cape Union Mart today I wangled a 10% discount on a more expensive bag that will do a far better job. I think those guys like me!

14 kilograms but to me it feels like 20!

PS. The bag in the pic is the ugly green one that I ordered online and is being returned tomorrow. I now have a very neutral charcoal grey bag that I will show you when I come home in 1 piece.

Last week I was in there trying on weather proof jackets and they didn’t have my size or an alternative colour for the one I liked. Red is probably a good option when you get lost in the mountains but I’m kinda fashion conscious and don’t plan on wearing a red jacket any other time. So I walked out with no jacket. The crazy thing is that the same afternoon I just had a feeling I should go back and try on a different jacket!

My cute mini gas cooker set!

So the next day I gave my daughter the car keys and she drove me (she’s a learner) to the mall over the mountain back to Cape Union Mart. And what do you know!!!??? As I walk in TODAY IS A 50% SALE!!! (Well, that day at least). I had had my eye on a far more expensive 3-in-1 jacket with a fancy zip up fleece and right there on the shelf it was marked R1399 instead of R2299!!!! Basically for the same price I was now getting my dream jacket AND A FLEECE!

Here’s the fun part. The lady had been helping me try on loads of jackets up until this point, so we go over to the till to ring it up and what do you know, R1799. She says nothing to me except that she quickly discounts it to R1399, while a fellow staff member runs over to the shelf and removes the price.

Next thing she leans over and say, “You’re lucky!” So I asked her why and she says, “We have to sell it to you at the price you saw on the shelf, but it’s been labelled incorrectly so you’re getting R900 off the full price.” Whoop whoop!!! So I tell her, “Jesus was looking after me today!” She laughed and agreed as she put my fancy jacket in a bag and waved goodbye.



So when I went back for a tiny gas bottle today and walked out with a new backpack instead I think they must have thought I owed them from last week, but I still got that discount buddy!

All that to say I’ll miss you all this weekend and will be content creating up a storm with my trusty iPhone in my pocket. And my heavy backpack on my back.


Minnin and I went for a last minute early morning walk as the sun was rising to have a last catchup before my adventure. We do all our trail runs together but we’ve been taking it easy to avoid any silly injuries this week.

Our motto is:


The timing was once again pretty epic.



So I’ll leave you with a couple gorgeous sunrise and ocean shots to keep you going until next week. Don’t get up to too much mischief while I’m gone.



Only joking!!!!! GO WILD!!!

10 ½ hours til the road trip begins and 30 hours til we start walking.

See you in a week!


 4 years ago  

You're such a gangster. Don't do anything I would!

 4 years ago  

😂 I’ll let you hike vicariously through my posts. How about that?

 4 years ago  

You mean what we're doing now? Deal.

 4 years ago  

Always! Our streaks will continue! My hiking ain’t gonna stop any time soon.

Although the doc just told me that my shoulder ache is probably Osteoarthritis from wear and tear. Don’t see how my should aches from hiking though! 🤔 must be the bootcamp.

 4 years ago  

Oh and I forgot to add that while I was trying out my new backpack in the store today, an older man walked by and commented that I looked fine. To me the word fine is ambiguous. So I said, “in what way?” Because I thought the bag legitimately looked huge on me! 😂 Sometimes I’m just a dumb blonde and roll with it.

 4 years ago  

Fine as in 'not rough,' carry on....

 4 years ago  

Sooo ambiguous! 😜

As long as one has a cute mini gas cooker one is set!. It is well known. 🤣

I didn't realise you had a terrible pack; that will make any loadout feel heavier than it and uncomfortable so it's good you found a better one.

I have several but one of the best packs I have is by Deuter and has a rigid, but very lightweight, frame for structure and to evenly spread the load on the back and hips plus provide air flow as the pack doesn't sit flush on the back. I've loaded it with 26kg and hiked for days and it is so good. $350AUD (R3750) but worth every cent. But it sounds like you're good to go with yours, and also that jacket too. You sound like me, I tend to look for things that have secondary purposes and in colours I'll actually be comfortable wearing around the place and in the wilderness. Never red!

So, have a good trip and remember to tell your legs what to do. They'll do what you tell them to do.


 4 years ago  

Aaah thanks! Yup my old bag was a Deuter that I used for Walking part of the Camino in Spain. Bit as I said. That baby got rehomed. The upgraded Kway is pretty decent with its aluminium frame and loads of padding so now I’m more comfortable. Today we drive so there’s no more time for anything else. I reckon I’ll be fine. Two of the couple in our group are around 70 so if I need to slow down I can hangout with them. All good people.

I hate waking up before my alarm…

You're going to have a blast, Deuter or not.

Get ye out there Zoe, live some life, boss your legs around a bit and have some fun with that group of hiking-nutbags! [Said without malice]

I hate alarms but yeah, hate waking up before them even more. Lol.

Hopefully, the new grey bag has a waist/lumbar support and belt. It helps settle more weight onto your hips.

I cannot WAIT for the amazing content coming from you, created this next week. Also, Don't Break Anything and Don't Get Hurt!

 4 years ago  

Ha ha ha! Yes the knew bag is brilliant with a really good waist belt and support! I’m feeling better about it now and today the travelling begins.

I can’t wait either!!! Chat soon.