I actually use WebStorm (or the Related Jetbrains Product) to commit to GitHub, it's integrated into my IDE so no extra programs required. It's a GUI, so more similar to GitHub desktop than CLI.
RE: Mobile First, I have had a lot of trouble handling some things in mobile browsers, and I'm currently having that same conundrum with some of my Websites. I'm not a very big mobile internet user, so I guess I am biased into thinking that a mobile view isn't so important.
I feel like a lot of my portfolio has Expired (my portfolio website is probably about a year old at this point) and the only thing that I keep updated is my GitHub profile readme 😂
Your portfolio looks really nice and if I had enough money, I'd be happy to hire you! You'd probably get the mobile end of the stick though 😂
I really like the README on your profile. It's a great touch! I feel like snitching it 😂
That's fine, I borrowed it from someone else too!