Python - war cards game - possible play to earn NFT game

in Programming & Dev3 years ago

With all this NFT hype I was thinking the other day to create my own collection and moving forward to attach the NFTs to a card game. Now here's a little sketch I did in that direction. I hope you find it useful.

from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from enum import IntEnum
from random import *

full_deck = []
partial_deck = []
player1_cards = []
player2_cards = []

#Card enum for playing cards
class Card(IntEnum):
    TWO = 2
    THREE = 3
    FOUR = 4
    FIVE = 5
    SIX = 6
    SEVEN = 7
    EIGHT = 8
    NICE = 9
    TEN = 10
    JACK = 11
    QUEEN = 12
    KING = 13
    ACE = 14

class Suit(Enum):
SPADES = 'spades'
CLUBS = 'clubs'
HEARTS = 'hearts'
DIAMONDS = 'diamonds'#suits enum for playing cards

#Class to hold information for playing cards
class PlayingCard:
    def __init__(self, card_value, card_suit):
        self.card = card_value
        self.suit = card_suit

#function to deal full deck of cards
def create_deck():
    for suit in Suit :
        for card in Card:
            full_deck.append(PlayingCard(Card(card), Suit(suit)))
    return full_deck

#display the deck
# for i in range(0, len(full_deck)):
#     print("Card: ", full_deck[i].card)
#     print("Suit: ", full_deck[i].suit)

#Draw single card from "deck"
def draw_card(deck):
    rand_card = randint(0, len(deck) -1)
    return deck.pop(rand_card)

#deal 2 players for the game of war
def deal_war():
    while(len(partial_deck) > 0):
​  create_deck()
partial_deck = list(full_deck)
# test_card = draw_card(partial_deck)
# print("You drew a: ", test_card.card, test_card.suit)

for i in range(0, len(player1_cards)):
    if (player1_cards[i].card > player2_cards[i].card):
        print("Player 1 wins the hand with:", player1_cards[i].card)
        print("Player 2 loses with:", player2_cards[i].card)
    if(player1_cards[i].card < player2_cards[i].card):
        print("Player 2 wins the hand with:", player2_cards[i].card)
        print("Player 1 loses with:", player1_cards[i].card)

​Well this kinda. There's some commented code that allow you to diversify it a bit. let me know if you need any help.
Have a good one!