Cool use case for a bot! I see the Beach Boys guy and the AC/DC guy, maybe the Queen guy and the Roxy Music guy as well. Don't know the others off hand.
I have several bots running with javascript and HTML on my always on Raspberry Pi's browser. I find it to be a good way to keep keys under my control. I have thought about releasing a Hive Programming post or series of posts but I'm a bit concerned about someone using automation in an undesirable way. We have enough spam and misuse on here already. But if you ever switch to js and have questions about hive.js, ssc.js (hive-engine) or axios.js (utility functions) feel free to hit me up and I'll try to help.
Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays!
We do have some spammy bots already. The cost of posting is still pretty low. I don't think we have attracted the serious spammers yet.
I will probably stick with Python for now. I have other scripts to process data for my posts with country lists. We need good libraries so people can create more cool tools. There are some tutorials out there. They need to be easy to find.