
Thank you !
The thing is I'm the "Jack of all trades, master of none" kind of guy. I learned programming when I was 15 before having an internet connection. My first lines of code where QBasic I remember!
Then learned some html, and made my first website. C++ and VB5 at school. Then PHP4 JavaScript and MySQL. That's actually what slowly lead me to the Data field.
My coding skills are actually quite bad, my code is probably a real mess.
I don't "code" for a living and the only things I dare to consider being almost an expert at ("advanced user" as one of my colleagues would say) are SQL and understanding business through raw data.
That's ok cause that's my job!
The rest (Python, JS/TS, Talend, Stambia...) are technology I used to practice in the past or Hobbies.
That's probably why my skill set is getting used differently recently.
I now pre-process the business needs, provide a global data sources and architecture analysis, give an approximate workload, identify the best resources in the team and hand it over to my colleagues.
Rest of the time is being a "firefighter" on any subject that needs helps.
So don't be too impressed, those projects are made with shitty code and a lot of Google searches !
But I have fun 😊!

Jack of all trades indeed. With all these technologies you have mentioned, I know you have gained enough experience to do your own stuff. That is one thing I love about coding. Even if you don't intend to make a career out of it, you can still have fun with it. I learnt QBASIC on my my semester in the university, it was boring to me though

I now pre-process the business needs, provide a global data source and architecture analysis, give an approximate workload, identify the best resources in the team, and hand it over to my colleagues.

I love your job. It sounds interesting. It's something I will enjoy a lot if I have the opportunity. One difficulty in striving as a newbie developer is the lack of opportunities. There are not enough developer jobs here

Cheers friend. I wish you a nice time with your family

QBasic is so old that it was already old when I learned it 20 years ago !!! I understand you did not enjoy it !

Getting the first jobs is always a challenge. Don't hesitate to promote your work and your dev related hive posts directly on LinkedIn. It may be noticed by a recruiter and give you access to a good freelance job !

Continue learning and try stuff ! It's always rewarding !!

Enjoy the weekend as well !