Spanish Version
Buenas gente! Como estan? Espero que hayan empezado super bien su semana! Este post va a ser un poco mas corto que los otros ya que, como les comente en el devlog anterior, iba a estar refactorizando el codigo e investigando acerca de como hacer los interiores de las habitaciones. Ademas de eso estuve trabajando en otros proyectos que tenemos en Hashkings como pudieron ver en el trailer que subio nuestro CEO Liuke a su canal de youtube!
Volviendo a las tareas que teniamos para Hive Killer Residence la refactorizacion del codigo esta hecha. No me llevo mucho tiempo ya que teniamos todo bastante organizado.
Pero no todo iba a ser tan sencillo porque al buscar informacion sobre como poder hacer los interiores de la casa generados proceduralmente no encontre demasiada informacion que me sea util. Por lo que me tocara crear e ingeniar una manera de hacerlo.
Asique esta semana estare planificando e ideando formas de hacerlo. Si hay algo que me di cuenta en mis años de programador es que en la programacion nada esi imposible y por eso es que me apasiona programar.
Eso fue todo por hoy gente! Se que es un devlog medio de transicion ya que no hubo mucho para comentar pero no queria dejarlos sin info acerca de como viene el juego ni tampoco que piensen que los devlogs habia muerto. Si prefieren que en devlogs asi donde no haya mucho que comentar me los saltee haganmelo saber en los comentarios. Como siempre saben que cualquier comentario y ayuda es bienvenida! Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leerlo y hasta el proximo lunes!!
English Version
Hi Folks! How are you? I hope you had a great start to your week! This post is going to be a little bit shorter than the others because, as I told you in the previous devlog, I was going to be refactoring the code and researching about how to make the interiors of the rooms. Besides that I was working on other projects that we have in Hashkings as you could see in the trailer that our CEO Liuke uploaded to his youtube channel!
Back to the tasks we had for Hive Killer Residence the refactoring of the code is done. It didn't take me much time since we had everything pretty organized.
But not everything was going to be so easy because when looking for information on how to make the interiors of the house procedurally generated I didn't find too much information that is useful to me. So I'll have to create and engineer a way to do it.
So this week I will be planning and devising ways to do it. If there is something that I realized in my years as a programmer is that in programming nothing is impossible and that is why I am passionate about programming.
That's all for today people! I know this is a transition devlog since there wasn't much to comment but I didn't want to leave you without info about how the game is coming and I didn't want you to think that devlogs are dead. If you prefer that in devlogs like this where there is not much to comment I skip them let me know in the comments. As always you know that any comments and help is welcome! Thank you very much for taking the time to read it and see you next monday!