Building My Own Network - Part 5

in Programming & Dev2 months ago (edited)

If you haven't already read the last part of this series, you should do that first, you can find that here.

So we've explored where the network is up to now, but here's some future plans.

Future Plans

There's a desire to keep growing the network. I'd love to be able to use this to help make internet more accessible for everyone, and doing so by helping reducing prices should be nice. While we are so tiny that we basically make no difference, with growth there should hopefully be some potential to impact at least local citywide pricing in the future. While there is 0 plans to ever look into doing residential internet, if the stars align, it might be something to look into. I would love to be able to do public wifi though, at locations like city centers.

Each region of the network is currently also just an island. I'd love to be able to connect the regions together, using waves or some other form of connectivity solution to have the network connected to other parts of it. This will help make things cheaper in the long run as we can move our traffic within our own internal network, which is generally cheaper than going through transit.

Hardware is always going to need to be upgraded. the 6x 100G ports that we have on the routers aren't going to be enough after some point and we'll need to look into upgrading them again. Thankfully with the right monitoring tools, we can tell when that's need and ideally we have a few years of headwind.

Automating more of the network. Being a dev, the part which most interests me is defiantly network automation. I write a lot of code to mess with networking related topics(what isn't these days, with everything being connected to the network) and uping the knowledge here will definitely be worth it. There's already some automation but need more aspected automated.

Hosting more "good neighbor" type services. Right now we host a public mirror of popular software by sponsoring a Micro Mirror( I'd like to get more of these types of services, including DNS servers and NTP servers hosted to help the world out.


Hey, can I ask if you were the one behind giftgiver site?


For a second, I thought about recreating it or its use-cases (faucet +delegation service), but now have to focus on a different project