kornykory cross-posted this post in BeerMoney Global 5 years ago

Why RIOT is a good buy.

in #stocks5 years ago

First of all I'd like to mention I'm talking about the crypto mining company and not the one behind League of Legends.

A friend of mine mentioned that I should look at this company so I bought a few shares. There was recent news that they were beefing up their mining capacity to offset the the halving. If you don't know what the halving is you can check it out here https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/guid/BC94E62E-9392-11EA-8863-17EFDBF36C53

Screenshot_20200513103435_TD Ameritrade Mobile.jpg

As you can see they are on the lower end of the 52 week range but they have been improving the past few days. You may be weary that they are pretty far from their high but check out this next image.

They peaked at $43! Of course that was during the crazy times of bitcoin hitting nearly $20k. I'm not saying they're going back to $43 anytime soon but I can see them getting closer to the $3 to $4 range. Check out their previous earnings.


While they're still in the negative I think they'll be able to turn this around by August when their next earnings report is due. The Street is less optimistic showing this company as a sell which if you picked them up at their $0.55 low then now would be a great time to sell. But just look at the chart from last week.


It's up quite a bit from the halving news and there is still room to make some money off of this, I'm already up about 10% as of writing this. I bought 6 shares at $1.55 (I'm not rich 🤣) and it hasnt disappointed me yet.

I'm no expert so this is just my speculation. Invest at your own risk and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Have a great day!