Robert had long looked for a small cottage in the countryside, surrounded by greenery, surrounded by the silence of the crickets. A small house all to yourself where he can write his memories, where he can give space to his creativity away from the noise of the city, away from the chaos of excesses. Him, in his solitude, face to face with his memories, to make peace with the past and move on with his life.
Roberto aveva cercato a lungo un piccolo cottage in campagna, in mezzo al verde, circondato dal silenzio dei grilli. Una piccola casa tutta per se dove poter scrivere le sue memorie, dove poter dare spazio alla sua creatività lontano dai rumori della città, lontano dal caos degli eccessi. Lui, nella sua solitudine, a tu per tu con i ricordi, per fare pace con il passato e andare avanti con la propria vita.
Robert make a right choice, staying in such place that is noise free is great, as you have to comprehend without distraction