Are you kidding me? Weekly Broadcast

Category: liveshow
Sub-category: Podcast

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Welcome to the weekly podcast! Each week I go over everything i found durring the week and have a chance for followers to watch and discuss the things found in the week. If you already follow our steemit you may have already read about the thing that will be mentioned in the podcast but if you yet to read up on all the new blog post this is the show for you!

This show is planned to be aired on Saturday Mornings around 6am eastern where it will be later uploaded to bitchute if you miss the show.

Today's broadcast there are 3 things found that wil be talked about. Found some interesting things so be sure to join in at 6am eastern.

Feedback is more then welcome. You may also join the discord to talk about things you found yourself.

Discord: Website: VIMM:

This post was generated from a live stream on