Game (Category):
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These two cameras are facing bee boards that I have built to attract Mason Bees and Leafcutter Bees. They do not produce honey, or make a hive. But they do pollinate everything quite well. At this time Blueberries and other wild trees in the area are flowering within a 300 foot radius. The Bees will fly back and forth between flowers and the homes they are building. Adding pollen inside the home for their offspring to feed off of. The adult Bees will fill in the home with mud, hence where they got the name Mason Bee. Leafcutter Bees cut pieces of leaves to make their home hence where they got their name.
The cameras are on from Sunrise to Sunset Eastern Standard Time. A microphone is also set up to hear the Bees in action.
Follow @solominer on Steem and Hive for more Bee content.
This post was generated from a live stream on
@steemcleaner downvoted for SPAM
@amico Sorry, my VIMM settings must have messed up. I had it set to post every 12 hours. No idea why it posted like crazy like this.
Oh, I understand!
A huge hug! Have a bit of !BEER (if @beerlover is in town, LOL!)
waiting for Hive-Engine to start delivery....