There's a lot of things I would like to see that may not necessarily be good for premium membership perks but I'll list them anyways.
- Custom emotes! YES
- Overlay support in house would be cool(you have some already which is nice), with customisation.
- Proper links in chat
- Better chat in general with options for timestamps, etc.
- I like the idea of more vod storage, maybe up to a month or 2 week instead of one week. Don't need them to exist forever as people tend to care about more recent stuff imo.
- Maybe low latency mode (like twitches where you get it down to like 2 seconds) I know that kinda feature could be expensive to run (it's probably very hardware intensive)
- Maybe you could add per channel custom emotes that people can like buy with gems, the gems go to the streamer with maybe a bit to vimm aswell or maybe burn some of them as a fee to keep supply undercontrol? Would make a nice use case for gems.
- Animated profile pics? xD
- Maybe access to a premium discord channel?
- Fancy premium member badge is a must. =p
Would the premium membership have benefits for both streamers and viewers or is it more tailored for streamers?
I'll pay NOT to see animated profile pics ;-)
Yes, the plan is to have features that are relevant to both streamers and viewers. There's a balance that will need to be struck, obviously.
Low Latency is something that I would love to add, but we need a significant increase in capital before we can afford such an undertaking.
EDIT: I can't believe I missed the thing about custom emotes to be purchased with gems. It's funny you mention that, we had discussed something like this that I cannot share just yet. Stay tuned!