Distracted Heart

in The Ink Well2 months ago (edited)

“How would I bring changes into my life after all these flops on my way? My past years have been a promise without fulfillment, but I think this time I have to make up my mind to bring my reality into stay," Juliet thought to herself.

It has been a rough year, if not years, for Juliet as she accelerated to her 27th year of age. She has stated her New Year resolutions as she penned down what she has in mind to achieve. In the past years, she has noted the same kind of resolution but failed to achieve her goals.

“I have to make some resolution and see how to bring it to fulfillment," Juliet said to herself.
Her resolutions are as follows: getting married to a rich guy, learning a trade (tailoring), and traveling on a holiday to a strange country.
Her resolutions were the best according to her mind. She entered the new year with a mind of happiness. She started the year with full force in achieving her goals. Likewise, she was so prayerful and dedicated. Her journey to achieve her goal was a rising force.

“Della, how are you?” Della is her best friend, who has the same passion as her. They had started the journey together, as they both had the same resolutions to cover.
“I'm fine, and you?” Della asked in return.
"Great," Juliet replied.
“Did you make a New Year resolution?” Juliet asked.
“Yes, I did," Della counted what she had stated in her list. Every bit of item came out to be the same except for a holiday to a strange country.
“How come your resolution came out to be the same as mine? Did we plan it?” Juliet asked as her face was filled up with a lot of excitement.


Mochammad Algi

Juliet started her first month trying to put things in order, but along the line, something got her attention away from her dimensions. She was swayed by an unwanted guy who claimed to marry her. “Don't worry, I will marry you," Dan said with a cunny heart.
They began to see love as another part of life as they were both enjoying themselves together. “I would love to take you out to a strange country of your choice." This word penetrated into the inner part of Juliet's heart as she saw parts of her resolutions coming to reality. “Wow, I will be so grateful and truly appreciated if you do this for me," Juliet said.
“Just to be certain, I will take you on a tour around the city of Calabar as well as Lagos," Dan said while Juliet kept her eyes open and ready to accept the unknown. Juliet's skin and her pretty face, as well as her moderate stature, kept driving Dan to the other side of life.
“Alright, I believe you," Juliet opened up.
Some days later, Della and Juliet met in the restaurant. “What are you doing here?” Della asked.
“I came with my boyfriend, the one I told you about," Juliet replied.
“Wow, I can see that you are on tour. Can I know him?” Della asked jokingly.
“Em… It's fine. Let's go to where we are sitting”, Juliet replied.
As Della saw Dan, something strange sent some words left unwrapped within her.
"Hi," Dan greeted.
“H. My friend has said a lot about you. Make sure you take good care of her, as she's the fragile type," Della said.

Later in the evening of that day, Della went to Juliet's house. “Your boyfriend is so handsome," Della said.
"Yes, he's right," Juliet replied.
“There is something I saw in him," Della said.
“What should that be?" Juliet asked.
“Your boyfriend is someone that would kill your dream. I don't think he's going to fulfill what you told me he promised you," Della said.
“Please, don't be an enemy of progress," Juliet replied jokingly as they laughed together.
“I mean what I said. I don't like him. I think he aims to have you and run away from you," Della continued with her advice.
“I will just stick to him and see what the outcome is," Juliet said.
“Don't say I did not warn you," Della said.

It's getting to the end of the year, and Dan is unable to do as promised. A month later, Dam traveled and did not come back again. He had to change his line. Juliet called and called his line but was not reachable. It's November and no news, but Juliet sees a message on her phone saying, “It's over; I have got what I wanted, and please, goodbye." Juliet was short of words.
“Does that mean I have wasted another year without fulfilling just one of the things it had listed as part of the resolutions? What a mess!" Juliet said to herself.
"How I wish I would have listened to Della. It was as if she had seen this coming," Juliet continued.
"I have fulfilled my part. I took it one at a time and without distractions. I think that's what you have to do for you to fulfill your purpose," Della advised.
“I will take to your advice and relieve myself from men. I have to be focused this time," Juliet accepted her failure.


I wish Juliet listened to her friend, it's well. It's good as she decided to move on in life and keep men aside.

she did according to her wish

It's a good thing Juliet has finally learned her lesson and is willing to make better decisions.

yes, but she failed to fulfill her wish

Oh. Poor Juliet she should have listen to her friend now her new year resolution is all messed up

she was not ready to listen to anyone

If only she listened to her friend. Well, she learnt her lessons and I'm sure she will correct her mistakes.

she was not ready to listen

Lol.... As sad as it is, sometimes the best teacher are the horrific experience we endured.

she learned her lesson

Had I known always comes last. Most times our friends know better than us.

that is it

I wish she listened to her friend, it would have saved her. But I'm glad Juliet learnt her lesson

she was full of herself

Juliet should have listened to her friends and acted based on their advise.

That's just what she would have done to save her resolutions

Juliet is someone who I guess love chasing what would turn her dream into the other way round.

Sometimes we need to first tackle desperation before making resolutions. And like your story, just because we fail to achieve our goal, should not stop us from trying again. Nice story 👍🏿