The Original Born Gobbler 

in The Ink Well4 months ago

“Samad, can you please slow down your eating style?” Samad dad said. “I can't stop this habit, as it has been my nature since I was born," Samad said.

When Samad was still a child, he ate very fast, and his parents tried to stop his eating style habit, but Samad was not ready to drop this habit of his. Anytime food was served, he would be the first to finish up. His style of eating is extremely fast. After critical observation, his parents decided to let him be. He grew so deeply with this habit of his without stopping or even minding those who were watching him.

He has lived his life all through the village without taking a step out of his domain.
One day, when he turned 15, his father took him along to the city to visit his uncle, his father's brother. After getting to half of the journey, the driver had to stop just for them to eat and fill up their empty stomachs. Samad’s father walks straight to a different restaurant with Samad just to eat the original village dish. When they got to the restaurant, Samad ordered a local dish. The restaurant was filled up with different people from different tribes.

Timur WeberSamad and his dad were served their favorite dish. They started eating and Samad’s dad saw people who were eating pause and were busy gazing at his son, Samad. “Samad, please take it easy; people are watching you". "I don't care, Daddy. It's my habit, which I enjoy perfectly”, Samad said. His dad was feeling ashamed of his son, but then he had nothing to do. Samad refused to bring up his head until he gobbled the food to the last level within a few minutes.

They started their journey, and after some hours, they arrived in the city. “Welcome brother," Samad uncle greeted his brother as he hugged Samad. “You people would have been hungry by now after a long, distant journey," Uncle Jude said.
He asked his wife to prepare food for his brother and Samad. Meanwhile, Uncle Jude has a daughter who is a blogger. Her name is Funke. Funke has been a blogger who has limited subscribers just because of the niche she was based on. Funke has been trying so hard to get subscribers, yet she was not making it.

The food was prepared and was served. Meanwhile, it has been more than fifteen years since Uncle Jude traveled to the village. This was the fact that he took his work more than anything else. So, he knew less about Samad's gobbled behavior.

They began to eat and within a few minutes, Samad was done eating when his father was still below halfway to finish. Uncle Jude was surprised, and instead of focusing on the newspaper he was reading, he had been watching the way Samad was eating so fast. “What The hell!” he shouted.“What's the problem?” Samad's dad asked his younger brother, Jude. “Your son, Samad. How did you people train him? How come you did not correct this habit of his?” Jude opened up. “Oh, that? We tried to correct him, but then he was not ready to be taken to corrections. We decided to let it be”, Samad's dad replied.

A few minutes later, Funke entered and hugged Samad after the introduction. She brought in some apples. He shared the apples with her and gave Samad one. Within a few seconds, Samad was done eating. She was short of words as she was left in surprise. “Oh my gosh”, Funke said. “What's the difficulty, sister “, Samad asked.“The way you eat”, Funke replied. “It's my nature and what gives me joy”, Samad replied. “Can I use you in my blog?” Funke asked. “No prob”, Samad replied.

After two days, Funke prepared food that could be eaten in ten minutes. “Samad, you must finish this within two minutes”, Funke said. “Don't worry, it will be done within the time you just mentioned," Samad replied. She prepared and called some group of people to witness. She also made it look like a competition between himself and another boy who can eat very fast.

They started while they sat in the middle of the crowd while Funke placed her camera. The two dishes were served and placed on the table. They started eating while the crowd was clapping. In less than a minute, Samad finished his food while the other boy was still having his food halfway to the final level. Everyone was left in a surprise. “Are you human or alien?” Someone among the crowd said. “You can eat for Africa," another person said. “How would this handsome-looking boy eat just like a pig? Are you sure you will get married?” Another person asked. “I'm sure no woman would want to marry someone like him.” Meanwhile, these words angered Samad and immediately something went deep into his brain.

It was nighttime and time to eat; Samad was still in his room, sober. All the words were pumping into his medulla oblongata. “It's time to eat”, Funke said. “I'm now eating”, he replied. “It's unlike you. What's the problem with you?” She asked. "Nothing," he replied. Funke has to force him to come to the diner. He was given his food, and he started eating. This time everyone was expecting the usual, but to their surprise, he ate his food slowly and wisely. When he was done eating, he said, “This food is delicious”, Everyone looked at one another in surprise.

The next morning, Funke called the crowd again and this time with another fast eater to compete with Samad just to boost her subscribers. She set her camera and set the food in the middle of the crowd. They started eating and this time, the opponent finished his food while Samad was still enjoying his meal slowly. Everyone was left in surprise. “What must have gone wrong today?” They said that Funke was left disappointed, but then she still got more subscribers.

“I don't think I'm fit for this," Samad said. “Why?” Finger asked.“I saw the truth in everything the crowd said on the first day of my performance. I have to change, but in another way, I enjoyed my meal when I ate slowly at home and even right here," Samad said.
Samad's dad was happy to see his son changed for good.


It's a good thing Samad turned a new leaf after the experience. He probably didn't know his habit was a shame to his father until the small contest that Funke organised.

After knowing what it feels like, he made the decision.

He got lifted up through those words from the audience.

Sometimes eating in a hurry can be frowned upon and can cause digestion problems. Thank goodness Samad changed the way he eats and delights in every bite, as it should be. Greetings

It is good he was able to correct himself.
Nice story

It's Nice to see that Samad got his acts together and went from gobbling to eating moderately. He went from being his father's shame to becoming his father's pride. Nice writeup, well done.