Eight Days To The Eclipse.

in The Ink Well5 days ago

Every night, Rebecca goes into her father‘s room to ask him if they were experiencing the eclipse.

Daddy, is this the eclipse?, she asked while hitting her dad trying to make him get up from his bed to check the window to know if it was the eclipse.

No baby, this is night. The eclipse is similar to this but it is said that we will experience eclipse very soon, Rebecca’s dad responds as he used his hands to rub her back and puts her between himself and Dorcas, her mum.

Rebecca did this consistently for eight days and after she didn’t experience the eclipse within eight days, the poor girl could not wait anymore and she finally gave up on experiencing the eclipse. The eight days felt like a year to the little girl and the eclipse was never going to happen.


Daddy, will you like to buy me a cup of coffee when I wake up from my nap? Rebecca asked her dad. As a lover of coffee, all she wants is coffee to heal herself from the disappointment she experienced because the eclipse was never going to happen.

Yes baby. I’ll get you a cup of coffee from the nearest cafe when you wake up, her dad said to her and she fell asleep immediately.

After two hours, Rebecca’s dad started hearing noises in the environment.
What’s going on? he asked himself and immediately he looked through his window and saw that everywhere was getting darker. The long awaited eclipse finally came but Rebecca who was the one who wanted to see the eclipse most was asleep.

Rebecca!!! her father ran fast to his room to wake up his daughter and inform her that the eclipse was happening already. In just ten seconds, her father ran into her room which normally takes him more than thirty seconds.

Rebecca! Wake up, the poor girl got very angry that her dad was waking her when she was asleep and everyone in the house knows Rebecca. She never jokes with her sleep.
The eclipse is here. Wake up!!! her father was shocked to see Rebecca stand up and started running downstairs to open the door snd experience the eclipse face to face.

Wait!!! You can’t look directly into the sky during the eclipse because you are at the risk of getting blind, the poor girl experienced another disappointment after her dad told her that she can’t look directly into the sky.
Immediately, he went into the kitchen, carried a bowl of water so that the both of them can watch the eclipse through the bowl of water.

Daddy, when will this end? she never wanted it to end. That was the first time Rebecca will hear some exciting noise in her environment. She sees how happy everyone was and that felt like a never ending moment for her.
Just as her father was about to tell her that it takes the eclipse couple of minutes to end, the sky was getting brighter again. That felt like a short time of happiness and excitement in the environment.

It’s going already, she said to her dad while she tries raising her head up to say a goodbye to the eclipse but her protective dad bends her head over again so his daughter doesn’t go blind.

Finally, the eclipse went away and Rebecca had the chance to say goodbye to the eclipse and saw how the whole vicinity was full. So many families went to the restaurants, cafe and beach to celebrate experience the eclipse.

Daddy, that was amazing and it’s one of the wonders of the earth, Rebecca’s dad nodded his head and he carried the bowl of water back inside the house, wore a pink dress for his daughter and waited for his wife to get back from work so that they all can celebrate experiencing the eclipse by going to the nearest cafe to have some coffee.


The cafe was so filled up and they barely found a seat because everyone celebrated seeing the eclipse happen right in their presence.
Daddy, when will this happen again?, Rebecca asked her dad and if she could find her way, she will want the eclipse to happen everyday or her life.

Well, the eclipse happens once in many years so we don’t know when we will experience this again, I think this was the third disappointment Rebecca was facing on just that day but yes, she was at least happy that she experienced the eclipse and she can someday tell a story about it to the baby her mum is carrying inside of her.


Good exposition using this nice concept.

Involving father and daughter.


Thank you very much

That's a nice story :) Alas! Rebecca finally saw what she had been waiting 😍

After a long wait, the girl was able to see the eclipse and marvel at such a great natural spectacle. I really liked the relationship between father and daughter, it gives warmth to the story.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent day.

Even though at some point, she lost hope