Hello @loverboy10,
The child who uses elements from his own breakfast in order to please the witch: this ending pleases us. Your story follows a classic arc in which a misdeed is punished and a good deed compensates. You can see that readers are satisfied with the way you end the story. You probably also noticed that a few readers had suggestions about form, the way you present the story. These readers make a good point.
Telling a story is like giving a gift. Even a wonderful gift is judged partly by the way it is wrapped. Your writing moves us. It would move us even more if you polished it a bit. There are some tips about how to do that in our 'Catalog of Writing Tips'.
Writing, for me, is a great pleasure. I think it is for you, also. You tell this tale so convincingly. I would like to see you become even more effective as a writer. I think you would find even more pleasure in doing that.
I enjoyed your story. Keep writing!