Astor lived happily on a cloud with nothing to worry about but playing his harp. There was nothing in the world that made him as happy as the music coming from its golden strings. But that would change drastically one autumn morning. Along with the first leaves on the trees, Astor's harp string came loose. With the breakage came a small snapping sound.
Desperate for a solution, he decided to break one of the unwritten rules: to visit the human world in search of a replacement. So it was that, after much searching and aimless wandering, he came across a master craftsman with hundreds of years of experience in all kinds of instruments.
Excited, he entered through the door almost shouting out the name of the craftsman, but to his surprise he found an unexpected being in his house and no trace of the man he was looking for.
Who are you? You're not the craftsman, are you? - said Astor, visibly affected, but at the same time hiding his admiration for a being of unparalleled beauty.
No, I am Arlyn, his daughter. My father died a month ago, I came to get his things. - came from the lips of the beautiful young woman.
A pleasure, Arlyn. My name is Astor. I wanted your father to repair my harp; a string was damaged and no one knows how to fix it. Does your father have a gold string like this?
Arlyn looked at the string and, with a sigh, exclaimed: “If he has it, I haven't seen it, but I promise you that if you spend the day with me I will help you look for it.
Fair enough,” exclaimed Astor.
And so it was that two creatures from two totally different worlds decided to share a day. Together they went for ice cream, walked through the park watching the autumn leaves fall and went to the movies.
Arlyn was smiling again after a long time and the emptiness left by her father's death.
Astor looked sideways at Arlyn every moment and was happy to see her happy. Gradually he felt an indescribable energy and strength within his chest; something was beginning to weigh on him immensely. But his greatest surprise came when he picked up a rose to give to Arlyn and saw a drop of crimson substance coming from her finger.
It was red and pure blood, and beings like him were not supposed to bleed or... he couldn't believe it, he was falling in love with Arlyn. Astor knew very well several things about love between humans. He would have to leave his cloud, his golden harp and live on earth leading a short mortal life. And what terrified him most was how willing he was to sacrifice all that for someone he barely knew.
Arlyn, do you want to go for a walk tomorrow too? - he said with a smile.
Sure, Astor, I'd love to, you're very good company, but I have a confession to make, I'm sure there's no string to your instrument. I lied to you because I felt very lonely and wanted some company.
Astor laughed out loud and with tears of joy said, “Don't worry, I'm thinking of learning to play guitar.
Astor vivía feliz sobre una nube sin preocuparse por más nada que tocar su arpa. No había nada en el mundo que lo hiciera tan feliz como la música que salía de sus doradas cuerdas. Pero eso cambiaría drásticamente una mañana de otoño. Junto con las primeras hojas de los árboles, a Astor se le desprendió una cuerda del arpa. Con la rotura se sintió un pequeño chasquido.
Desesperado en busca de una solución, decidió romper una de las reglas no escritas: visitar el mundo de los humanos en busca de un repuesto. Fue así como, después de mucho indagar y caminar sin rumbo, dio con un maestro artesano que acumulaba cientos de años de experiencia en toda clase de instrumento.
Emocionado, entró por la puerta exclamando casi a gritos el nombre del artífice, pero cuál fue su sorpresa cuando encontró a un ser inesperado en su casa y ni rastro del hombre que buscaba.
¿Quién eres? No eres el artesano, ¿verdad? - dijo Astor, visiblemente afectado, pero a la vez ocultando la admiración por un ser de una belleza sin igual.
No, soy Arlyn, su hija. Mi padre murió hace un mes, vine a por sus cosas. - salió de los labios de la bella joven.
Un gusto, Arlyn. Mi nombre es Astor. Quería que tu padre reparara mi arpa; una cuerda se dañó y nadie sabe arreglarla. ¿Acaso tendrá tu padre una cuerda de oro como esta?
Arlyn miró la cuerda y, en un suspiro, exclamó: - Si la tiene, no la he visto, pero te prometo que si pasas el día conmigo te ayudaré a buscarla.
Me parece justo - exclamó Astor.
Y así fue como dos criaturas de dos mundos totalmente distintos decidieron compartir un día. Juntos fueron por un helado, caminaron por el parque viendo caer las hojas del otoño y fueron al cine.
Arlyn volvía a sonreír después de mucho tiempo y del vacío que le había dejado la muerte de su padre.
Astor miraba de reojo a Arlyn en cada momento y se alegraba de verla feliz. Poco a poco sintió una energía y fuerza indescriptible dentro de su pecho; algo comenzaba a pesarle inmensamente. Pero su mayor sorpresa fue al tomar una rosa para regalársela a Arlyn y ver una gota de sustancia carmesí saliendo de su dedo.
Era roja y pura sangre, y se suponía que los seres como él no sangran o acaso... no lo podía creer, se estaba enamorando de Arlyn. Astor sabía muy bien varias cosas sobre el amor entre humanos. Tendría que abandonar su nube, su arpa de oro y vivir en la tierra llevando una corta vida mortal. Y lo que más le aterraba era lo dispuesto que estaba a sacrificar todo eso por alguien que apenas conocía.
Arlyn, ¿quieres salir a pasear mañana también? - le dijo con una sonrisa.
Claro, Astor, me encantaría, eres muy buena compañía, pero tengo que confesarte algo, estoy segura de que no hay ninguna cuerda para tu instrumento. Te mentí porque me sentía muy sola y quería algo de compañía.
Astor rió a carcajadas y con lágrimas de alegría le dijo: No te preocupes, estoy pensando en aprender a tocar guitarra.
Hello @almadepoeta,
Your story comes up with a 99% positive reading for AI by our AI detector. We consequently will not curate. Please refer to our guidelines. AI is not allowed in the Inkwell, and it is not welcome on Hive.
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Hello friend forgive the inconvenience at no time I meant to disrespect the community in any way or action, this story was originally written in Spanish in the notes application of my phone and then with the grammar spelling and punctuation corrected by grammarly finally us DEEPL for its translation to the English language. But at no time did I use AI for its creation. I would like to know more about the software tool or program that you use to know about the AI in the text.
As for participating in the community I am doing it as often as I can, but the application does not notify me of new publications. But I promise to be even more constant. Best regards and sorry for the inconvenience. Blessings.
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We ran the story through in its Spanish version, because sometimes DEEPL can return an AI result. The issue may reside in your editing program. We only allow punctuation and spelling corrections. Nothing else. Any other editing by any program will likely result in AI detection. This is a very sensitive and professionally-oriented program. It will pick up AI editing, as well as AI generation.
In the future, if you write for the community, be very careful about using any program to correct your stories. Spelling and simple punctuation will not return a high result. Anything else will.
We hope to read original stories from you in the future.