Sebastian was lying prostrate and helpless on the hospital bed. He was sleeping and his chest was heaving up and down. There was an aura of calmness on his face. Before, he had been in great pain, and the hospital ward had been filled with his screams. That brought the nurses and doctor rushing to the bed to help. The doctor knew it was a hopeless situation and he shook his head sadly after putting Alex to sleep with the anaesthesia. A sad look hung on the faces of the nurses, too.
Sebastian's father, Mr Thompson, had come to the hospital to see his son. Sebastian was his only son. He remembered how his lovely wife, Cassandra, had passed away after giving birth to Sebastian. Mr. Thompson had raised his son himself. He made sure he had enough to eat and a roof over his head and a quality education. He had taken care of his son like any good father would. And now in Sebastian's last year in college he had been afflicted by a strange illness. The doctors didn't know what the disease was but they said it had affected Sebastian's liver badly.
The doctors said a liver transplant would cure Sebastian. But Mr Thompson had no money for a liver transplant. He had tried Go Fund Me but the money raised wasn't enough. Neither were the donations from kind-hearted neighbors and friends. Mr Thompson knew he had to do something to save his only child. He had no other family apart from Sebastian since his wife's death some 17 years ago.
In the afternoon Mr Thompson visited the hospital to see how his son was doing. Mrs Young was sitting by Sebastian's bed reading when he arrived. Mrs Young was a family friend who agreed to look after Sebastian at the hospital while Mr Thompson went to work. Mr Thompson was a cashier at the bank. That afternoon he had tried to get a loan from the bank but the bank refused him because he had no collateral.
“How's he doing?”
He asked Mrs Young.
Mrs Young looked up from the little blue book she held in her smooth, fair-complexioned hands and tucked strands of her golden hair backwards behind her ear.
“He's been sleeping peacefully ever since. The doctor gave him some injection when he woke in the morning.”
Mr Thompson heaved a sigh.
“I hope he recovers. Though the doctors say only a liver transplant would save him. It's been difficult getting money for that.”
“I hope he recovers, too. Sebastian has been a kind sweet one from the day I met him. From the time I first held him in my arms as a baby after his mom's death. He doesn't deserve what he's going through.”
“I don't know how to thank you for making out time to look after him while I'm away.”
A thoughtful look hovered on Mr Thompson's face.
Mrs Young's pink-colored lips stretched in a smile.
“It's nothing, dear. Just doing my bit for a friend.”
Mr Thompson held his son's hand in his and muttered
"I would do anything not to lose you my son.”
He blinked away a tear from his eye.
Sebastian woke the evening of the next day. He looked around hazily. His eyes then focused on his dad who was sitting by the bedside, head bent, sleeping deeply. Sebastian stretched out a hand and tapped his shoulder. Mr Thompson woke up with a start.
“You're up.”
He said gazing at his son's face.
Sebastian replied and contorted his face in pain.
“Don't worry the pain will subside with time. All this will pass, believe me.”
Sebastian nodded. He asked for his phone. His dad stoutly refused.
“You need to rest, my son.”
“I promise just a few minutes and I'll be done, dad.”
Sebastian scrolled and scrolled his smartphone for about 15 minutes. He checked his final year research paper and then spent some time checking out posts on social media. After a while he went to take a piss, while his father helped him. When he came back he sat on the edge of the bed and looked tired. He was unaware he had sat on his phone which he had put in his back pocket. He went to sleep shortly afterwards.
A few hours later, he was woken from a his sleep by a loud ringing sound. It his smartphone. It turned out he had butt dialeda number when he sat on his bed with the phone in his back pocket. His dad picked the call and then handed him the phone.
“He says he's a friend.” Mr Thompson said.
Alex sat up in bed and put the phone to his ear with shaky hands. He wasn't sure who it was.
“Who am I speaking with?"
“It's Owen. Remember me? We were friends back in highschool.”
“Oh. How're you friend? It's been such a long time.”
“This number of mine you called has been out of service for years. I just decided to put it on and I received your call. Remember? It's the one I used during highschool.”
“Oh.” Sebastian was feeling a little relaxed and happy.
“What a stroke of good luck this is.”
“That you called me?”
“Yes. I've been seriously sick and I've been meaning to spend some time with my true friends before it's all over.”
"What do you mean?” There was a note of alarm in Owen's voice.
“I'm terminally ill. And only a liver transplant can save the situation. Sadly there's no money for one.”
“Then it's a stroke of good luck you called my number. Can we meet in person so we can discuss better?”
“Yes, of course. I'm in the University Teaching Hospital in Utah.” Alex was happy because of the butt dial.
“Fine. See you soon, dear friend. I will come in a few days time.”
Owen visited his friend in the hospital some days later and they talked. Back their highschool days they were inseparable as a person and their shadow. Sebastian was a bright student while Owen was dull and timid and often bullied. Sebastian always defended his friend against bullies and also helped him progress in his studies. This helped Owen graduate highschool with good grades. It also helped set him up for success later in life. After highschool, Sebastian had gone to college while Owen had gone into entrepreneurship. Presently Owen was one of the million-dollar entrepreneurs in the nation overseeing a conglomerate of companies.
Owen paid for the liver transplant for Sebastian.
“It's like paying you back for all you did for me back in highschool.” Owen had told Sebastian.
Mr Thompson, Sebastian's father literally wept for joy when he heard the news.
The transplant was successful and Sebastian regained his health. Some days after recuperation paid his friend Owen a visit in his mansion. The house was a sight to behold and it showed off the enormous wealth Owen possessed.
The two friends sat under the cool shade of a tree in the garden and had a discussion. A cool breeze rustled the leaves of the trees.
“I'm glad you're recovered.” Owen said, a smile hovering on his face.
"I have you to thank for that old friend. I will be forever in your debt.”
“Oh don't be like that.” Owen motioned a servant to get a bottle of white wine from the wine cellar. “You seem to have forgotten all you did for me in highschool.”
“Well…” Alex began.
“No I mean it. You believed in me when everybody, including my own parents, seemed to doubt me. You taught me I could achieve something great if I put my mind to it and you helped me get my grades up. Or should I mention how you fought off bullies in school who wanted to attach themselves to me like pests?”
“Yeah…well…I guess I was just trying to help as your friend.”
A faint smile played on Owen lips.
“You are too modest, my friend. That's one of the things I like about you.” He paused and lowered his gaze to the lushly green ground of the garden. “You did your bit for me and now it's my turn to return the favor. All I am today I can attribute to you. From now on, any help that you require that I can provide, I will. When you finish college I will help you get established within the academia…”
“Wow…” Sebastian was undecided what to say. He was just overwhelmed.
‘I hope maybe your son marries one of my daughters one day so the friendly bond between us can continue between our families, solidified by marriage…” Sebastian knew his friend was joking but he played along.
“For that I will have to get married and have a son first…”
“That of course you will. But you will have to hurry. I've already got daughters, three of them…” Owen didn't finish and the two friends burst into light laughter.
Owen composed himself, stood and buttoned his glimmering three piece suit.
“And now it's time for lunch. You'll join my family and I so I can introduce them to the man that helped me become what I'm today.”