This short poem may seem out of place but, as was I, before His grace..
I may strive yet for things of the world, yet in His Kingdom, they not be stored.
But taste His righteousness and never thirst.
In due time, the first be last and last be first.
A love note sealed by His blood and that alone.
For our sin, it did atone.
A truth that flesh fathom not, but wonder it may.
"How assurance be full yet with sin?" it say.
But knowing not, Adamic lips deprived..
Of that earned not by us but instead derived.
From the LORD, the One above.
Died He did and died in love.
For His elect and they alone.
By His grace, come to His throne.
No pretense, guilt, or (legal) fear we bring.
But as angels, His song will we sing.
Sins forever forgotten by His might.
That now we live in marvelous light.
If this poem hit home, take a look at the work of my brother in Christ. His name is Scott Price
Interestingly enough, recently learned he the ol' @gospeldefense account I created for him on Steem has been linked . He has authorized my publishing any of his sovereign grace gospel content on the blockchain so this work shall be resumed on Hive time permitting.
And then I can have him update the link / icon to Hive!!!
If I forget, somebody poke me with a stick!
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Good photo