Late Nights of the Architect

in The Ink Well10 months ago (edited)

Late Nights of the Architect

Ellie had designed a building that would reshape New York's glamorous skyline. Now the big day had arrived and she was making final preparations for the presentation. At night in her office, among the mountain of projects on her desk, she was examining the model of her newly designed building. She took one last drag from her cigarette. Every detail, every line reflected Ellie's passion for this city and her architectural vision...

The silence of the office accompanied Ellie's thoughts. She had worked through the night, perfecting every aspect of the project. Now, with the first light of the morning, it was time to leave for the presentation.

Ellie's heart raced with excitement as she made her way through the skyscrapers. This building could be the pinnacle of her career. Its design would completely change the skyline of the city. But it was also a huge responsibility. She picked up the pace. She entered the building. SHe took the last sip of her coffee and threw the rest in the trash. When she stepped into the meeting room where she was to make her presentation, all eyes turned to her.

Ellie took a deep breath and started her presentation. Every word, every sentence reflected the spirit and excitement of the project. The expressions on the investors' faces boosted Ellie's confidence. As the presentation progressed, the energy in the room was rising.

At the end of the presentation, Ellie emphasized the most striking features of the project. The building would be constructed with sustainable materials, with a strong emphasis on energy efficiency. It would also pay homage to the city's history with its modern design and offer a forward-looking perspective. She spoke and the investors listened, but a voice in her head was constantly questioning ''whether they would like it or not''.

At the end of the presentation, the applause in the room rang in Ellie's ears. She was officially shocked. Her passion, creativity and hard work had made her dream a reality. Ellie had taken her first step to shine as a new star in the world of architecture.

The building design was approved and construction soon began. Every morning on her way to work, Ellie watched the building she had designed rise and felt proud of her achievement. A new star had begun to shine in the New York sky, a symbol of Ellie's passion, hard work, diligence, staying up late and waiting patiently.

Translated using DeepL.

Ellie, New York’un göz alıcı silüetini yeniden şekillendirecek bir binanın tasarımını yapmıştı. Şimdi ise büyük gün gelmiş, sunum için son hazırlıklarını yapıyordu. Gece vakti ofisinde, masasının üzerinde dağ gibi yükselen projeler arasında, yeni tasarladığı binanın maketini inceliyordu. Sigarasından son bir duman daha aldı... Her detayı, her çizgisi, Ellie'nin bu şehre olan tutkusunu ve mimari vizyonunu yansıtıyordu...
Ofisin sessizliği, Ellie'nin düşüncelerine eşlik ediyordu. Gece boyunca çalışmış, projenin her yönünü mükemmelleştirmeye çalışmıştı. Şimdi ise, sabahın ilk ışıklarıyla birlikte, sunum için yola çıkma vakti gelmişti.
Gökdelenlerin arasında ilerlerken, Ellie'nin kalbi heyecandan hızla atıyordu. Bu bina, kariyerinin zirvesi olabilirdi. Tasarımı, şehrin silüetini komple değiştirecekti. Ancak bu aynı zamanda büyük bir sorumluluktu. Hızlandı. Binaya girdi. Kahvesinden son yudumunu aldı ve kalanı çöpe attı. Sunumu yapacağı toplantı odasına adım attığında, tüm gözler ona çevrildi.
Ellie derin bir nefes aldı ve sunumuna başladı. Her kelime, her cümle, projenin ruhunu ve heyecanını yansıtıyordu. Yatırımcıların yüzlerindeki ifadeler, Ellie'nin kendine olan güvenini artırıyordu. Sunum ilerledikçe, odadaki enerji de yükseliyordu.
Sunumun sonunda, Ellie projenin en çarpıcı özelliklerini vurguladı. Bina, sürdürülebilir malzemelerle inşa edilecek, enerji verimliliğine büyük önem verilecekti. Ayrıca, modern tasarımıyla şehrin tarihine saygı duruşunda bulunacak, geleceğe dönük bir bakış açısı sunacaktı. O anlattı ve yatırımcılar dinledi ama, kafasından bir ses sürekli olarak sorguluyordu ''acaba beğeniyorlar mı'' diye.
Sunum bitiminde, odadaki alkışlar Ellie'nin kulaklarında çınladı. Resmen şok olmuştu. Onun tutkusu, yaratıcılığı ve sıkı çalışması, hayalini gerçeğe dönüştürmüştü. Ellie, mimarlık dünyasında yeni bir yıldız olarak parlamaya ilk adımın atmıştı.
Bina tasarımı onaylandı ve kısa sürede inşaat başladı. Ellie, her sabah işe giderken, tasarladığı binanın yükselişini izliyor, bu başarının gururunu yaşıyordu. New York’un gökyüzünde yeni bir yıldız parlamaya başlamıştı; bu yıldız, Ellie'nin tutkusunun, emeğinin, çalışkanlığının geç saatlere kadar uyumayışının ve sabırla bekleyişinin bir simgesiydi.

This story is written for Inkwell Fiction Writing Prompt: Anticipation. I hope you liked it!

Image StockSnap to Pixabay


Wow I love this story. One can make every dream a reality with commitment and determination.

Late night works are part of our life at the beginning of our careers 😄 thank you for the comment 🤗

A story that shows that dreams do not only happen at night, they can come true during the day, but where it is only possible if you trust in yourself and your attitudes, accompanied by effort, perseverance and humility, admiring your achievements is the best thing that can happen to you.

Seeing the payment of our hardwork is an amazing feeling 🙏🤗

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Hi @arduilcelebren. We'd love to curate your story. Please first provide a direct link to your image source. It must go directly to the page containing the image. Thank you!

Actually, we will not be curating this story, @arduilcelebren. It is detected as AI in both the original language and in the translation. We do NOT accept AI stories in The Ink Well. Please read our rules.

Added 🙏 pls kindly re check your detectors because the original language is 100% mine, and translate is full DeepL. 🤗

@arduilcelebren, we have done some investigating of this issue. The tool we use has a less than 2% rate of "false positive" results in its assessment of whether a piece of content is AI-generated. This means it's rare for the tool to be wrong, but it can happen.

As I mentioned the other day on Discord, there are certain quality aspects that can cause content to be interpreted as AI. One of them is simple, flowery language. (Example: Ellie's heart raced with excitement as she made her way through the skyscrapers.) And another thing that can trigger an AI report is short length. I'm afraid your story has both of these issues, at only 405 words.

I actually ran a test. I wrote a very short story with no depth of story or character development, using simple phrasing like, "It was a beautiful day." The story was reported by the AI detector as 100% AI.

So, it seems this is probably the issue with your story. We recommend that you take the time to develop your characters. Write stories that are rich with details and have emotional depth so they are worth the time the reader invests in reading your work. Use language that is not a repeat of things that have been said in thousands of unremarkable stories before.

I hope you know that I am telling you all this because I care. I've really enjoyed your stories in the past. I know you have the ability to write well.

Here are some resources for you from our catalog of fiction writing tips:

I hope that helps!

I absolutely understand and thank you from the deepest parts of my heart. 🙏 It is really nice to communicate and see that you know your writers. I've been writing on inkwell forever, as you know. 🤗
I will try to write deeper stories and take your advice from now on. With my current workload (end of the year papers...), I will take two or three weeks off. After that hopefully I will be able to craft something beautiful again 😌 🙏 😊

Yay! 🤗
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What happened to Ellie is indeed something to be proud of. Passion plus patience equals success.

Sometimes a lot of patience is required, and knowing that is also another wisdom. Thank you very much for reading and kind words 😊 🙏

Hello, @arduilcelebren

It is a very well-constructed short story that holds the reader's interest from start to finish. I liked the pacing and the theme about an architect who succeeds in New York.


Thank you kindly ☺