Rachel's worth

in The Ink Well2 months ago (edited)

Sometimes in life, situations make us forget who we really are. Many people do not experience the joy that comes with the light at the end of the tunnel because they have given up before it even shines. We forget the popular title of one of William Shakespeare's play "all's well that ends well". This would be the right quote for Rachel.

Rachel was married to a man called David.David was a typical man, who believes that a woman should sit at home and take care of the home and the kids. He had a good business that made Him financial stable. He was very capable of taking care of His wife and the kids, so He made Rachel a full house wife. This made Rachel a very dependent woman who asked her husband for everything including money for sanitary pads.

After some years into the marriage, Rachel lost her voice in the home,She doesnt have a say in decision makings, whatever Her husband says is final. Whenever she tries to contribute in making decisions, David usually reminds her that She's not in that position. She lost her self worth, respect and makes her feel inferior.


One day, David arrived from one of His outings with a lady. "Welcome daddy" the kids rushed to welcome their dad. "Who is this dad" asked April, David's daughter. This is my very good friend Ella and she's here for a visit, i want you guys to be very nice to her" said David.Rachel gave Ella a very warm welcome as She brought a glass of cold water to her with a smile on her face."Take the kids inside, I want to have a word with you", David said. As soon as Rachel did that, She returned to the sitting room and found David cuddling the guest Ella. "whats going on here", she asked as she raised her eye brows. "Sit down Rachel, this beautiful woman over here is my new wife, she works in the bank, infact She's my account officer and we've been together for a while now, and she's presently pregnant with my child. So i want you to accept her because She will be living with us for now, pending when i will get Her a new place , okay?" David responded with a harsh tone. Rachel's world came crushing down as she couldn't even say a word, tears rolled down her eyes as she couldnt close them. She felt like screeming, shouting and giving David a strong slap on the face but She couldnt because that man was her only source of livelihood. Holding Ella by the hand, David stood up and told Rachel to prepare the guest room where She will be sleeping since Ella is pregnant and needs His attention, Ella will be sleeping in their room with Him. That night, Rachel cried all the tears she had never cried before.

Rachel called David's parents the next day to report what had happened to them but they were solidly behind their son as He was the bread winner in His father's house so His decisions matters the most to His parents. Rachel called her dad to report and Her dad invited her to come over to His house to visit and to ease Her pain a little.On getting there, Rachel's father was heartbroken as Rachel burst into tears seeing Her father. "Oh stop crying Rachel, this isn't the right time for that. This is the time to prove to yourself that you are capable of doing something for yourself, the time to dust yourself up and pick up the pieces of your life. You need to be independent, as men do not really regard women who cannot support them financially in the home or take some beneficial decisions for the family without them. You depend too much on your husband, its time to be independent. Dont sink yourself into your pain rather swim and prove that you are worthy of a man's respect. But above all, do not be rude or fight with your husband". Her father's words were very soothing to Her. She hugged Him and said thanks. As She was leaving, Her dad gave her a good amount of money to start up a petty business just to keep her busy.

Three days later, Rachel went to the market, bought some ingredients with the money given to Her by her dad, got a space to set up a small store to start selling doughnuts. She was a very good cook and she loved baking. The doughnuts she makes were so delicious that in a week, she doubled the money her dad gave her. This alone put so much smiles on Her face that she even forgot all about David and his mistress. David had totally ignored her and didnt even realise that Rachel had moved on. Within six months, Rachel had expanded Her business, she had about four other outlets where she had workers selling her doughnuts. She became independent because she refused to sink in Her problems rather, She swam in it and was glad She did.


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Sometime's in life our problems push us into acheiveing our goals. I'm glad Racheal found her worth. Great story✨

I believe there are still many Rachels in the world, and I hope they have a happy ending and find their own path full of the joys and happiness they deserve and earn through hard work and effort. More than a story, this is an excellent reflection on life itself and facing the difficulties of the journey, valuing ourselves more and putting our feelings and needs first as unique and independent human beings. It has been a pleasure to be part of this story and the masterful use of words. Even through the translation, the mastery of words and the well-achieved style in the text is evident. My greetings to you.

Wao...I appreciate this. Thanks for reading

A touching story here. No mather what life may throw at us, we can't afford to sit and wallow in self pity.Rather, we must brace up and keep living to the fullest, like Rachael did.