Anne’s despair

in The Ink Well3 years ago

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“Margret, show a little respect, will you? She’s still your big aunt Anne”, Mrs Anthony cautioned her daughter.

“Mom please. This act-of-wickedness standing here in human form seizes to be a relative I’d give my acknowledgment”. The younger lady in her mid twenties was really blowing hot at another aging woman in the room.

“Margret Anthony!” What in the world has possessed you to speak to an elderly in such uncouth tone”, her mother threw all caution to the wind by the thunderous tone she hurled at her daughter. “I did not raise you to be as wayward as you are acting so apologize to your aunt this instant”, Mrs Anthony bellowed.

Surprised at her mom backing up someone she despised, Margret couldn’t muster the balls to say the sorry word.
“I’m sorry mom but I can’t apologize. She keeps showing up in places where she isn’t welcomed so she’s well deserving of every disrespect coming from me”, Margret stiffly finished.
Well aware of what her mom’s next action might be, she was taken aback when her mother charged at her with a hand in the air which was preparing to come crashing down on her when her her aunt intervened, taking the hit instead.

“My goodness Anne, I’m so sorry”, Margret’s mom frantically apologized to her sister in-law who she hit. “That was definitely not meant for you”, she sorrily announced while glaring at her daughter with eyes serving the I’ll deal with you later just get out look.

“It’s ok Clair. Kids will always be kids so please allow Margret be”, the calmly settled woman said with a thin smile. Although she appeared to be cold hearted, dressed in expensive clothings and a decent layer of makeup on her pale face, Anne had always being Margret’s best aunt until the death of her brother - Margret’s father, Mr Anthony.
Anne and Anthony are the twin offsprings of the Anthony empire; a multimillion dollar manufacturing company which dealt mostly with freighters and they have always stood as the best in the business.

Their parents, Mr and Mrs Anthony were only just beginning to reap profits off their enterprise which was medium scaled when the kids were born. Anthony was named after his father and the business name was in his honor since he was the first child and rightful heir to the growing empire.

Anne had always being a supportive sister, a caring sister in-law and literally the best aunt to Anthony’s children until the tragic day he died. She was in a sinkhole of hurtful memories when Margret’s angry stomping feet on the stairs snapped her back to reality. The younger lady had a night bag with her, obviously prepared to leave the rather uncomfortable mansion for her big sister’s who lived downtown.

Not a word of ‘farewell’ came from the older ladies neither did a word of ‘I am leaving’, eluded Margret. The aging ladies who were in an obvious discussion setting only looked on till the large door was swung shut behind Margret.

“What do I do with this girl?”, the tiring words escaped Margret’s mother. “I apologize on her behalf Anne. I am so sorry for her unruly behavior towards you. She’s still very cranky about the cold expression you gave regarding her beloved late father.”

“I guess I deserve every bit of hostility from her”, frail Anne said with dejection in her voice. “I was the only relative of Anthony’s having a matching blood sample as him but I let him die instead”.
She was so sad she couldn’t hold back the sob in her eyes. Her dear brother was diagnosed of a terminal brain tumor which would have produced a different output if he hadn’t been too stubborn to allow a blood transfusion from her.
“Clair, you know how much I cherished Anthony. Even in death, he will always be deeply etched in my heart”.

Patting the wrinkling hands that almost matched hers, Margret’s mother only nodded her furrowed face to the sadness out pour of her sister in-law. “Anthony told me the doctors couldn’t have done anything to save him in that very critical stage his aliment was. He pleaded with me as his last wishes, not to show an iota of sympathy towards him during his last days”, Anne explained.

“Honest to God, it was never my intention to hurt you and your daughters the way I did, especially Margret. She never deserved it at a tender age.”

“Oh Anne, I know your plight”, Clair spoke understandingly. “Anthony also told me about his ruthless plan with you. That was the reason I never batted an eye at you suddenly acting mean to my husband on his dying bed”.

“Your hands were tied and you had to do what was asked of your dying brother so I hold no grudge against you”, the woman smiled consolingly into the sad face beside her.

Anne impulsively threw her hands to wrap understanding Clair in a ‘thank you’ hug for what she just learned. “All I hope for is the same forgiving spirit from your children. I’ve really missed their warmth”.
“All will be fine Anne, trust me”, Clair firmly assured.


Your story unfolds really nicely, @blackalbino1. It takes the reader a little while to decide who is at fault for the family strife, and the curiosity compels us forward to keep reading and find out.

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I enjoyed this story, @blackalbino1. I was charmed by the two old ladies, especially Anne.

I was wondering about this sentence, which I couldn't quite understand:

This act-of-wickedness standing here in human form seizes to be a relative I’d give my acknowledgment.

Do you mean "ceases to be a relative"?

We have a great article that might help you, titled Help for the Grammatically Challenged. It provides important tips on how to use Google Docs to draft your stories. It will point out errors that need to be fixed, and you can fix them by clicking on them.

Keep writing!

Let me clear the little misunderstanding eh. @jayna, you must be familiar with the popular saying; “ a wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Well, I switched up mine into; “an act of wickedness in human clothing”. I hope you get my point now 😊.

And thanks for the correction of “ceases” instead of “seizes”. I lose my head in the writing game sometimes 🥺

Finally everything was done right between anne and clair. You have amazingly narrated this story. Well done.