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RE: The grass wasn't greener as I assumed.

in The Ink Well9 months ago

Having spent my childhood in a metropolis like Bombay this is the same message i learnt early in my life. Don't get jealous or envious of your neighbors, and don't get arrogant over them either. One never knows that is their state of existence and how the go about their lives. We can only see what is shown to us. So I completely agree with your mother that we need to focus on our situation and work the best within it and not allow other influences drive us. It was easier when i was a child as we only had comparision of our neighbors and children at school. Now it is so much more difficult with the internet always pushing these influencers everywhere. Hope the children of today have the same guidance by their own parents and mentors.

Great post @lightpen It is a need of the day to keep this in mind.

Cheers from a #dreemerforlife


Now it is so much more difficult with the internet always pushing these influencers everywhere.

You are right. It is pretty much more difficult now. The flamboyant lifestyle here and there on social media platforms. Most people hide their pains and struggles and only display their winnings. Sometimes, what they display is fake. If someone begins to measure his life with what he sees on the internet, he is heading to self-destruction. Not all that glitters is gold.
Thank you for your comment. It is very great.