Alex pulled the car off the road. "This looks good", he said to himself aloud. Chaz looked at him to see if he was looking for affirmation, but knew he wasn't. Alex talked everything out loud. It was a thing for him. He said what he wanted to say all of the time. No filters. It made some people think poorly of him but not Chaz. He'd known Alex for almost forever and he put a high value on their friendship.
"Here", Alex handed Chaz a few folded bills.
"What's that", asked Chaz.
"You picked me up a bag didn't you? Don't tell me you forgot the weed and let me drive all the way out here."
"Naw", Chaz chuckled, "you know I gotchu." He pulled a bag out of his pocket and handed it to Alex as he swept the cash from his fingers. Alex opened the bag and took a small bud out.
"Lemme have the grinder." Chaz opened the glove box and handed Alex the grinder, then he opened up the bills to wrap them in his cash wad.
"Yo, it was only forty, you gave me fifty", Chaz said somewhat puzzled.
"There's an extra ten for that bud you let me get last week."
"You know you don't owe me for that. We tight." He held the ten out for Alex to take back.
"I know I don't have to. I want to. This is what I do with my money after I pay the bills. Buy weed, buy snacks, and pass it around. You did me a solid and I'm bringing it back, so don't be fucking rude and take the fucking money." He was staring at Alex with that 'we done' look.
Chaz chuckled again and folded the ten into his wad. "Man, you are a trip."
Alex opened the grinder back up to get the freshly ground bud into a wrap and said, "I've been called worse by better people", he rolled the bud up in the wrap, licked it, and finished his statement, "that being said none of those better people were as good as the people sitting here right now." He looked at Chaz with a seriousness in his face that was foreign to his features and continued, "We've known each other a long time bro, and I don't want it to get weird, but I love you. For real. I can't even imagine my life without you. It's like Chucky says, 'friends to the end'. That's how I look at you. We're just always gonna be. Now let's smoke this blunt."
Chaz was still taking in what Alex had just said. He had said it before, but he was never quite so serious. It made Chaz feel almost euphorically emotional. He was high on a happy. He waited a moment and commented, "Thanks bro, that was fucking awkward but you know I love you too. We're forever bro."
Alex looked at Chaz and said, "Fag." They both laughed hard as they got out of the car to smoke the blunt in the night air.
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Please source your image in your post.
I apologize. I'll edit at once.
@bringitback, you added the source alright, but you missed the part that the image should come from a copyright-free source.
The source you provided is a blog and cannot be used.
To get free images you can use pixabay.com, pexels.com, or unsplash.com for example. Images from those sources can be used freely.
I will be more cautious of where I'm sourcing images in the future. I'll remove/replace this one. Thank you.
Thanks for swapping it, @bringitback. We do keep a close eye on use of copyrighted images and content. It would be great if you could link the top image to the same source as the second one and mention how you processed it.
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Best buds lol