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RE: Writing Tip #35: Don't Use the "It Was Just a Dream" Escape Hatch

in The Ink Well2 years ago

It is impressive the information this publication conveys. This escape hatch is very true, and it can actually play against our stories.
From my opinion, it has happened to me that I am reading a very fascinating stories and interesting characters, until I come across something like "it was just a dream" or " it was just the imagination" and Then I feel I wasted my time. This is a very important point that from now on I will keep in mind in my publications.
Thank you so much @theinkwell for the tips and guidance that also applies to our growth as writers 🙂👏👏👏👏👏.


Yes, I agree, @cajiro. It is often a shock to come upon such an ending, and we are left with the feeling that we should not have wasted our time reading the story.