Buried in Debt

in The Ink Well3 days ago

And just like that, in a twinkle of an eye, the money in her bank account shot up like a spring surprise!!

Jessica's business was lagging behind, she had lost lots of money due to unforeseen circumstances. She needed to get some money to bounce back as soon as possible, after contemplating so much, she decided to contact an old friend. She picked up her phone and called her friend, about lending her some support to put her business back on track.

"Linda, how are you doing?"

"I'm cool, Jessica. It's been a while. What is happening?”

Jessica who could not hold back anymore, broke down in tears.

"Why are you crying? Please tell me what the problem is?" Linda said with so much concern in her voice.

"Linda, please I want to ask for a favour."

"Go ahead, please"

"The thing is, my business has gone under, it is in complete ruins. I need money to resuscitate it but I’m really low on funds. Please just help me in any way you can financially, I promise to pay back as soon as the business starts looking up. You are my last hope"

"Is that all?" Linda asked.

"Yes, that is the reason I called" Jessica replied.

"Ahh, Jessica you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought it was something more serious, something life-threatening. I’ll lend you the money and I hope you bounce back soon."

Her words were like cool water running down her spine, easing her troubled mind. Jessica was so happy.

Without wasting any more time, she restarted her business. All of this happened during the pandemic, but she didn't ever think her business would hit bottom rock again—Customers stopped patronizing due to financial struggles and she was the one who shouldered the responsibilities of her siblings and parents…she was back to square one again.
Jessica didn't know what to feel anymore at this time, she was too tired, weak and heartbroken to even feel anything.

Meanwhile, she had to repay back her debt, but didn't know where to start from.

"What will I tell Linda?" Oh, this is a huge mess. This is catastrophic!"

There was no other person who could help her at that point, there was no one to run to. Everyone she asked for a little loan, told her there was no money to lend out due to the pandemic. As if her business hitting the rock was not enough, her house rent was on the verge of expiration, bills were piling up rapidly, feeding became a real hassle. She needed a miracle to happen because all hope was lost.

Seeing there was nothing she could do, Jessica summoned the courage to tell Linda the situation of things. She was too ashamed to call and decided to drop a messgae for her.

"Good evening Linda, I hope this message finds you in good health. I’m texting concerning the money I owe you, please don’t think I have forgotten about it, my business crashed again and I’m barely managing to hold up. It’s been hell for me this past few weeks, please give me some more time, I’ll definitely pay back every money I owe."

After an hour she sent the message, a notification popped up on Jessica’s phone—It was Linda.

Jessica’s heart raced as she opened the content of thr message. But to her greatest surprise, Linda told her not to worry and that she should take all the time she needed. She knew she would pay back as soon as she had the money. She had so much faith in her, she felt a bit relieved.

A month went by and Jessica still was not able to pay up her debt, although it bothered her, but her hands were tied.

One morning, a call woke her up from sleep—at first she didn’t want to take the call, she wanted to sleep some more because of the banging headache she had from crying so much the previous night. But the call persisted…"Who is it now? Why can I not have peace of mind for a while?"

Reluctantly she picked up her phone…"Who am I on to please?

"Is this Jonathan Jessica?" The person on the other side asked—it was a manly voice.

"Ye...yes, how may I help you?" She stammered.

"We have reviewed your proposal and we love it, we would love it if you could start work on Monday perhaps? The company apologizes for having delayed this response, to make up—we will be giving you an upfront of 70% instead of the 50 earlier agreed. Also there will be a lot of bonses, again we apologize. Please do you accept?"

"Ye..Yes…Yessssss, I do accept.* Jessica was dazed, she managed to whisper a response.

She walked around her house on springy steps, obviously so excited about the news. . Was this really her?

The company Jessica submitted her proposal with, months back before her business totally collapsed, now reaching out to her. This was indeed a miracle!

Before the end of that day, her account balance shot up—the business was a true spring surprise.

She paid up her debts and started life afresh.

All Images generated with the use of AI.

Thank you for reading.


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A story with a happy ending but unlikely to happen in real life, because a company would never hire someone by paying 70% of their salary in advance, hahaha

Helllloooo, this is a fictional story.

Good story. Nice concept. What a friend she has who was understanding.

Thank God she bounced back.


I support @caramel10 on this one.

A good friend indeed.

The happy ending is what makes it worth the struggle. I'm glad she could settle the debts and start afresh