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RE: Patterns in Chaos - Sci-Fi Short Story

in The Ink Well5 years ago

Stephen Hawking would have applauded the conclusion, insofar as it reinforces his dire warnings about AI. :)
An artificial intelligence created by a species descended from monkeys, subsumed by a silica based hive life form...
Murphy. Trent. The AI. The tentacles. Visceral and very visual.
Disturbing and thought provoking.
You are officially a science fiction writer in addition to fantasy and poetry - and as Matt Haig said, "There is only one genre, and it is book," you show how elegantly the lines between genres can be crossed.


Thanks for your always inspiring words Carol, and for helping me with a fine-tooth-comb edit :)

I love writing in various genres of speculative fiction. I have to be honest, much more than attempting literary fiction. Crime, fantasy, scifi or even occasionally comedy writing seems to flow easier than the serious stuff. I guess it's because I've always been a dreamer and a lover of escapism in my choice of reading material.

I'm glad you enjoyed the visceral, and brutal chaos of this sub-creation that afflicted my mind until I exorcised into words 😆

You might love their mission - pulp fiction with merit and substance!#Pulp-Rev with Ben Kit Chea has been on Steemit longer than I have.

I tagged this to pulprev

I'm afraid in not a fan of Chea only for his lack of interest in anything on steem other than his own work.

I have no time for people on here who spend zero time engaging with others. Having said that I have read his stories and they're very well written.

ah, is that why Pulp Rev is such an isolated community....
I haven't checked in there ever since I gave up on Discord.
I've cut back on so many things. Like a hundred DIscord channels where I spent all my waking hours engaging with others - dialogues that poof into the wind. My attention span is shorter than ever now that grandchild #3 was born this week - spent the day meeting her yesterday - and our daughter looks worn out. Steemit. Why am I even here at this moment when I could be occupying the grandkids...

Science Fiction hive you might cross-post to:

Web Novels is another - you likely already know this:

Cross posting your own work is frowned upon and I understand why. It's essentially reposting your own post. Potentially abusing the reward pool.

The concensus seems to be that when other people cross post your work it's acceptable but not your own.

Lol, who makes these rules eh?😉

I'm totally lost in these rules.
We're supposed to resteem our own post for it to show up in our blog -right?
I don't even know how to cross post, or I'd do it for you.
Ready to take a vacation from Steemit until the complicated new stuff gets simplified. "New and Improved" all too often is New and Inscrutable.
Thanks for hanging in there Raj and making the best of it!

Hi Carol.

Awwww, don't leave!

forget about the cross posting for now.

We're supposed to resteem our own post for it to show up in our blog -right?

That's right. To keep it super simple for you:

  1. Post in the community of your choice (if you look at the top of theinkwell community page there is a button that says write a post).
  2. Then after you've written it and hit publish, resteem your own post .

Just following those two simple steps means you've published the post in the community and your blog :)

I hope that encourages you to keep sharing your awesome writing on steem.

Thanks for hanging in there Raj and making the best of it!

I'll keep doing so and I'm only doing all this community stuff so that there is a place for creative writers once/if this technology really takes off.

P.s. if you really need a break from steem no worries. You know my moto... no drama, no expectations... no worries. Lol, I should have been born in Australia ;-)
If you

Thanks Raj - if Australia is the place to escape politics and tricky regulations, I'd be there in a flash!
I think I get it now: to create a post, I must first locate the community it goes in, by hashtag, by clicking on it, yada yada... and finding that POST icon on the community's page, rather than .... eh.
I'm gonna find my feet!