I love EVERYTHING about this post - and Rabelais!! That old debaucher, that social disgrace, imposing on friends, taking advantage of their hospitality, drinking too much, and just too full of himself. You picked a great name!
This is beyond awesome:
COUNT B LIES WITH FAIRIES AND BEGETS BUTTERFLIES. Although it was not as Rabelaisian as the others, this shitpost would make the populace happy, since butterflies had been scarce of late.
Every word, every detail, you nail it!
I am in awe.
And then the word count rule. OMG. That alone scares me off -- anything requiring exact countings -- deep!
Dying to know what's come over Runt Odel and how long the "spell" might last.
These are actually quite difficult. I want to write segments that run parallel to, but don't interfere with, those of the other authors, so that the writers can carry on with their narratives and I can carry on with mine, which is unknown to me. Really challenging! Brevity is the mother of imagination.
Difficult: the word count alone would be daunting for me. And to tell a story in less than 250 words. Factor in all the other things - I'm daunted! You're awesome.
It's only one episode. I didn't tell a story, I set a few of them up. But I am very happy with this episode. Three days of work!!! Writing one of these is a lot like writing a poem for me.
Ah. Like writing a poem. Something I never did get any good at. So... Mathematical, so precise!
You rock at this.