Just a click changed everything

in The Ink Well3 years ago



You shouldn't be here with me Shane, look, I'm a mess!, Diana blurted out. She couldn't stand the fact that no matter what she did, or said or tried not to do always ended up in a slippery situation.

She ran out of the school's building with tears in her eyes. She didn't know why it had to be always her. She couldn't forget the look on her mom's face that night as she said, I asked God for a blessing and he chooses to bless me with a curse!. Her eyes were bitter and full of darkness, the kind that clothed the devil.

It was too much to bear, she didn't stop running, she couldn't stop running as flashes of her father's car loosing control and going over the bridge with her inside engulfed her. His smile, his warm hugs, his strong arms and happy face. Why the hell did she not die that night with him, her life would have been a lot better even in death.

She kept running until she reached Hilltop park. It had been her safe haven for a while now, she could easily just get lost in the crowd or find a silent spot to hide. There was hardly any one there now, it seemed like everyone had gone to see the game, the whole place was empty.

Diana found her favorite spot between those two trees that looked like a gateway to another realm, she sat down on the floor and started to sob bitterly. There was really no hope for her, she was the devil's incarcerate here on earth. Everything about her was surrounded by death and pain and sorrow and unhappiness.

Are you going to cry all day?, Diana almost screamed as the voice startled her. She looked up to find Shane standing directly in front of her in his full angelic glory. His eyes were beautiful, the sun made his skin shine like he'd just fallen from heaven and his posture was admirable. He took a step and sat down by her side.

Without saying another word, he brought out a camera, his camera, he always carried with him everywhere. He adjusted the lens and handed her the camera.
Take a look, I think you should see this, he said.

Diana couldn't get herself to decline the words of this angel as she collected the camera and looked through the lens. Shane gently placed his hand over her shoulder and slowly directed her head in the direction he actually wanted her to see.

She could see it, a beautiful row of trees, surrounded by happy squirrels and birds singing melodies that healed the soul, then she saw the mountain that stood miles from the stadium, it was an heavenly sight. Then the camera finally landed on a little girl, the girl had beautiful blond hair and she wore the brightest smile in the world.



There's still so much beauty in this world Diana and you're certainly one of them, Shane held her hand and looked her straight in the eyes, she could feel her heart melting. Just then, she heard a click sound, as Shane held up the camera directly at her then he stood up and started to run. She immediately ran after him without even thinking as both ran wild round the park with laughter.

if you enjoyed reading this, I invite you to upvote and drop a comment I'll be glad to reply


I did enjoy this. You worked in the prompt word seamlessly. That's not easy to do, but you make it seem easy.

A sweet story of friendship. Also, we do see the scene, the park, the couple. Good job.

Lol, it wasn't that easy. But then it was sweet to write this one.

I'm glad you see it too. Thanks for your amazing comment ❤️❤️

Please take care to comment on at least two of the works posted in the community. This demonstration of interest makes you eligible to be highlighted among this week's submissions.Thanks so much for writing this story for @theinkwell, @chincoculbert. Life takes on singular importance through the lens of a camera. Very nice way to apply to the call of the week.

Glad I took up the call of the week, I actually enjoyed writing this one.

I'll do well to check out other amazing stories, thanks a lot @theinkwell

This is an enjoyable and interesting story, @chincoculbert. You have several of the magical elements that make a great story — good characters, some pathos and conflict, as well as action and dialog to help tell the story, and a satisfying resolution to the conflict. Well done!

Thank you @jayna , it's been really encouraging writing in the #inkwell Community. ❤️✅

great story touching, there are times when we need someone like Shane.

Very true, we need a Shane in our lives to help us see the world through a different lens.. Thank you for reading through this one.. appreciate your comment ❤️

Life can look different by changing the lens through which you look at it. Good story, @chincoculbert

Yeah you're right, we might have just been looking at life from a wrong lens, gotta change it.
Thank you for your comment @gracielaacevedo I really appreciate the encouragement ❤️❤️✅

She couldn't forget the look on her mom's face that night as she said, I asked God for a blessing and he chooses to bless me with a curse!.

The words of Diana's mother are so inhumane, she never cared if her words would hurt her daughter, she was only concerned of the pain she was going through and that's not air at all.

Most times we often portray the act of Diana's mother by treating people badly without caring if they felt hurt or not.

I love your story outline,it's superb. I'm so happy Shane came to Diana's aid by sharing her up with his camera.

Diana's mother was engulfed by the pain she felt, she didn't care how much hurt or broken her daughter would be. Like you said..most of us are really inconsiderate and we make others feel worthless.

If we had more people like shane I guess this world would be a better place..thanks for dropping by my friend ❤️

Exactly, that was so beautiful to read through.