Long long ago, during the 12th century. The southern region of Bajinatu nation of Africa were mostly known for farming, they suffered greatly from other regions who came from time to time to slave raid and plunder, looting their farm proceeds and forcefully abduct their woman and young ones, while killing me who tried to stand in their way
The kings from these seven kingdoms of the region had several meetings seeking solutions to their problems. At last, they came up with an idea to join forces and raise a strong army from across the seven kingdoms. Men of ages between 13 and 40 were gathered from what was left from the past plunders, most of these men had already lost their homes and had no choice but to sacrifice their life to defend what is left. After a year of rigorous training, a leader would be chosen among them who would oversee the whole southern region army, so these men gave it all their best.
Among these men was a twenty five year old called Otondo. Otondo had lost his father during one of the past slave raids, his mother and little sister were taken as slaves. He was determined to be the best warrior that he could so that his children would not have to go through what he went through.
After a year, the region had raised an army of strong men, so strong that they defended the whole seven kingdoms from every plunder, and they became the most feared region in Bajinatu nation.
After they had won all their battles, the kings came together to enthrone the strongest man in the army, who happened to be Otondo.
Years passed, without any war being waged on any of the kingdoms in the region with Otando the great warrior and overseer of the seven kingdoms. But something began to happen.
Pride started to set in. Otando lived like no one could question him. He wanted the kings to worship him as the ruler over the seven kingdoms. When they declined, he started to wage war on his people with their army whom he was headed over.
This went on and on, until his men started to turn their backs against him. Not long after, he was captured, stripped of his title and banished from the land.
He was accompanied out of the region with nothing to take along except for the cloth he had on, never to return again.
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