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RE: The Ink Well Prompt #15: Cats - 750 Words

in The Ink Well4 years ago

Question for @theinkwell: I work in Peakd, and it has a word counter ... and it happens that Google Docs, my word processor, and Peakd's word counters vary WILDLY. I have 750 in Peakd showing up while Google Docs has 721 and my word processor has 729! Which would you prefer we use?


Hi @deeanndmathews. Sorry we weren't monitoring comments closely. Hitting the word count was intended as a fun exercise, and we're just so proud of you and all the other members who participated! You're right that different tools measure words differently. It's all good.

 4 years ago  

Thank you... I will probably use Peakd's counter from here on just because it is where I post most often...