my hour

in The Ink Well4 years ago


            My Hour

Will it come or not?

Will I hit the spot one day?

Did I have any hour?

We are all numbers on the clock of the universe

My hour

The world as a wall clock with numbers

When will it hit

The numbers are many but countable,

Did I have an hour?

God is the hand that counts the hours

My hour

Angels are the the hands that moves the seconds

When will I hit?

Humans are the standby numbers

Did I have a hour?

God is the one that will give meaning to every numbers of the clock,

My hour

Angels are the ones running the hands of seconds to bring God's meaning to the numbers

So I have an hour?

All numbers are to be on standby waiting for God and Angel to get to them

When is my turn?

Every seconds the Angel's are moving around all the numbers

My hour

Bringing hope and grace with assurance that God is working things out for them

When will I hit?

Gracing everyone with daily needs and beautiful touch,

Did I have an hour?

God never late neither will He fails

My hour

He will get to you when it is right your turn

When will it be?

He is planning and has sent his Angel's ahead to hold you

Did I have an hour?

No number on clock is hopeless no zero

My hour

Even zero has a close one beside it to make it ten

So I have an help mate?

All numbers are huge and of great value on the clock

When will it be my turn?

Just as the hand of hour will never jump any figure for the next

My hour

So will God never jump you to attend to the next,

Now I understand

When your time has reached the hour will stay on you,

So never be rash in action.


This poem is an illustration of the clock (world)

The seconds are the (Angel's)

The hour is (God)

And the numbers are (humans)

I am a might pencil in the hand of the creator and He will use me the way it pleased him to send hope and give courage.
Image source:google search engine and personal caption
Ho dear pen don't write but bled on papers the ink in it is blood and this time it is not of sorrow nor sadness but of hope and courage that all things will be well at their appointed time so stay on God.

I remain my self Destiny faith the CEO of promise Group.

This work can be shared but do not edit.
