Butt dial? When it goes wrong, it goes so, so wrong!
Alia stood by the door, arms folded across her chest, watching her husband prepare for yet another business trip. She couldn't tell if it was just another one of his many lies or something truly "urgent ", as he claimed.
He zipped up his suitcase after ensuring that everything was packed.
"I will be back by Sunday," she heard Allen say, his voice casual and devoid of any emotion.
She nodded, forcing a sweet smile. 'Safe travels.' She said mechanically. She was sure she had said that at least ten times in the past month, and though she had her doubts about his numerous trips, she didn't want to dig or pry further into his business.
He kissed her lips, she felt nothing, something that once meant the world to her, was now cold, meaningless, worthless.
The crack was visible!
And then he was gone, without so much as a backward glance.
The house felt eerily quiet after he left, the children were away at her mother's place, for the weekend, she tried to shake off the feeling of melancholy trying to engulf her.
"I should be used to it by now, after all he traveled so often these days" she chided herself as she settled down to eat dinner all by herself. Not that she had much of an appetite anyways.
"But why were the trips always so impromptu?" She asked herself as she wearily strode into the kitchen, carrying her tray of untouched dinner.
But something about this trip felt… off, the more she tried to push the nagging thought out of her mind, the more it forced its way back in.
Then her phone rang. She stepped out of the shower, and quickly rushed to her bedside as his name flashed on the screen.
Her husband was probably calling to tell her he had arrived safely in Kaduna.
She answered. "Hello?"
No response. Just muffled voices, some rustling, then swishing of fabric and the thud of footsteps, like someone was climbing some stairs. It was obvious that her husband was not aware he had dialed her.
Then, she heard his voice. He was speaking to someone, reminiscing about how much he had enjoyed their dance that evening.
A strange conversation for 10:30 at night, besides Allen never partied, so what was he talking about? And to whom?
Then she heard a woman’s voice, unmistakable
"How were you able to get away from your wife this weekend, my baby?"
And then his deep voice came through; clearly;
"I lied to her," he chuckled. "The fool thinks I am in far away Kaduna for an official meeting."
Then the woman's laughter!
Alia held her breath. She froze, her heart pounding so loudly that she could hear it in her ears. She should have screamed, or cursed, or let all hell loose.
But she didn't!
She just listened!
She chewed on her lips, feeling painlessly, the taste of her own blood.
Her husband with his mistress' conversation transmitted to her for twenty whole minutes, his infidelity shamelessly laid bare before her.
She had listened as her husband ridiculed her before "the other woman", as they made fun of her and called her names, she felt only numbness as her wobbly legs tried to cave in, with trembling fingers, she deliberately pressed the red button and ended the call.
She sat silently in the dark, phone still in hand, staring at nothing, but trying to fight back hot tears.
His husband's words echoed in her mind. She was the fool. She was the fool. She was the fool.
She couldn't take it anymore, she could now see clearly, she could see through Allen for who he really was, a cheating and lying husband.
The crack had just deepened! She was deeply hurt by this revelation, she had always suspected that her husband could be cheating on her but deriding her before a stranger, a strange woman, was really the last straw.
But she was no fool and she was going to let him know that the fool was the one who thought he could break her and still have her.
And he would realize soon enough that this fool was done playing his own game.
Image created with AI.
This is post is in response to a prompt that could be found here
I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.
Good one as the butt dial exposed her cheating husband.
Every day is for the thief one day is for the owner.
Thanks to the accidental call, she got to find out who the husband really is.
What a sad and shocking story. Infidelity in a couple. I'm glad she decided to empower herself and stop being the fool her husband thought she was.
Yes, I'm glad too that she rose up to the occasion instead of wallowing in self pity.
Good story @edith-4angelseu, I liked the final twist. For a moment I thought the protagonist was going to wallow in self-reproach, saying things like: I'm stupid. But I liked that open ending.
Best wishes. Have a great start to the week.
Thank you very much my friend, glad you loved the story.
Big Hugs my friend ❤️
Best wishes, I hope you have a great week. 🤗
Thank you very much 🙏
The poor wife discovered the betrayal of her husband in the most painful way. The call unmasked the husband and the woman realized who the man who said he loved her really was.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Excellent Monday.