Quite excellent and clearly narrated. The very beginning captivated me and I smiled. Then I felt moved, then I felt ... I don't know, in any case a deep interest in what you reveal here. The relationship with your father made me gulp, I experienced similar things as the mother of my son, the questions about "God", the origin of the earth and so on.
I don't think you have been too ungrateful at any time and the dangerous aspects of your life are what make it worth living for me, without this contrast we wouldn't know contemplation, silence. We once fished people in distress out of the Mediterranean and I myself was in distress as a teenager and we were rescued.
So when I read that your father had read Tolkien to you, well that was it for me. See me with a big smile, because just now I hit publish on my post and Tolkien is in it. HaHa! Quite a funny coincidence as we followed the same prompt.
There is so much you bring up, I think I will have to read it a second time. I like your answer that you don't know what it means to be good. My opinion is that it is best to keep quiet about it. You can be good, but you don't need to talk about it.
Thank you for this amazing comment, I rushed over to read your story before replying, because I was so excited that your tale tied into Tolkien books too!
You are a remarkable writer; I greatly appreciate you taking the time to connect here 💚 !PIZZA
Thanks for the compliment, you did a remarkable writing yourself.