
in The Ink Well10 months ago



She was a rather attractive doctor of those who uniquely combine a brilliant intelligence with an angelic face, her life had become an unsalvageable loop and at the same time an unbearable routine. She would get up in the morning, from there to her job where she would spend the whole day and once again return home.That night the loop was broken, the bus she normally take to go home every day had broken down and she had to start walking home.On the way despite the tiredness of the day she could contemplate the streets with their lights and colorful buildings, she looked to the right and saw a park full of young people his age laughing and having fun with their mobiles. Will I ever be able to have fun like that? In reality nothing was stopping her, the only reason for her loneliness was herself and her desire to excel and be the best at what she does. A little before arriving home she found a small sparrow that was on the ground, it seemed dead but when she took it in her hands she realized that it was still moving, despite the compassion she felt for helpless things the doctor could not do anything to save the little sparrow so she decided to leave it on top of a tree in the backyard of her house. She climbed the tree with great difficulty since she only had one hand because in the other she was carrying the little bird's body,there, on top of the tree there was a small world, ants were climbing from one side to the other carrying on their backs a weight much bigger than themselves, there was also a squirrel that for some reason had ended up in the lonely tree. The beautiful woman left the sparrow gently on a wide branch and prepared to climb down but she slipped, she could not hold on to any branch it was as if they dodged her fingers and let her fall, a quick glance up allowed her to see the branches of the tree and among these a solitary star that shone brightly despite the lights of the city. Everything went black, she saw and felt nothing Did I die? It was the question of someone who could only see darkness before her eyes except for a moment when a small light illuminated her, Was it a sun? Is the sun red? The woman asked herself while observing her own body,she had changed her hospital gown for a strange dress full of colors that in her childhood would have fascinated her, it had some embroidery and highlighted her figure slightly at the waist, everything seemed normal but for some reason the colors seemed more intense and vivid, the sidewalks were blue, the streets were red,the traffic lights only had pink and magenta, the people had very crazy clothes and hairstyles,the sky was yellow and everyone was singing when they seemed to talk, and they all seemed so happy; she could only look at them strangely. It all seemed so normal,no one was complaining about the singing or the cars stopping in the middle of the street to sing a happy song to whoever was driving in the adjacent lane, it all seemed so quiet and sleepy and yet chaotic and stupid that she inadvertently ended up near the hospital where she worked or at least where the hospital should have been. The building was no longer a hospital now it was a nice place with a swimming pool and children running around and making a fuss and their parents looking at them from afar smiling, she was surprised but her curiosity was more powerful, she entered the place and in a second she was dragged by some women with bikinis who took her to a store and gave her a swimsuit and flattered her and made her feel loved with nice words and good manners,finally they convinced her to have fun with her, Why had she accepted? After that the day went by extremely fast,from the temperature pool they took her to a spa and from there to a hairdresser,later she went shopping until she was exhausted from such a day. When she wanted to try to pay,she was told that they did not accept money, money was a primitive commodity that attracted all the evils they had fought to eradicate.She felt happy, but there was something she missed in spite of everything.

Could someone tell me where to find a hospital?

It has been a long time since we heard those words,we are sorry but here when someone dies they just do-the crowd that saw her as a celebrity answered her in a chorus but this did not affect her as she thought,how many people were dying in the world in spite of the thousands of doctors that existed, wasn't it better a world where everyone lived happily most of the time without conflicts, is this strange world better than my own?

It was easier to live in a world where it was not necessary to worry about the weak and hurt because everyone agreed to always get along without wars or suffering created by our own stupidities, there the only enemy of life is the programmed decay that every created being must follow in order to live in nature. The woman had no more worries; she went running and jumping to her apartment and there in her backyard she saw the sun hiding in the horizon and the night rising and in the immensity of the sky a familiar star that was beginning to fall from its night pedestal-A shooting star!-she thought and for a moment while she was hypnotized by the sun, she saw a star in the sky. she thought and for a moment while she was hypnotized by that inter-galactic burning mass the rays of light emanating from it blinded her sight and she closed her eyes to recover and as if only a moment had passed she found herself once again in a gray and dark bus scratched and written all over looking at one of her co-workers.

Friend, you have huge dark circles under your eyes, when you get home I think you should take a break.




Era una doctora bastante atractiva de esas que combinan de manera excepcional una brillante inteligencia con un rostro angelical, su vida se había convertido en un bucle insalvable y a la vez en una rutina insoportable. Se levantaba en la mañana, de allí a su trabajo donde pasaba todo el día y una vez más regresaba a su casa. Esa noche el bucle fue roto, el autobús donde iba y venía cada día desde su casa se había roto y tuvo que empezar a caminar hacia su casa. Por el camino a pesar del cansancio del día pudo contemplar las calles con sus luces y los coloridos edificios, miro a la derecha y vio un parque lleno de jóvenes de su edad riendo y divirtiéndose con sus móviles. ¿Algún día podré divertirme así? En realidad nada la detenía, la única razón de su soledad era ella misma y sus ganas de superarse y ser la mejor en lo que hacía. Un poco antes de llegar a su casa se encontró con una pequeño gorrión que estaba en el suelo, parecía muerto pero al tomarlo en sus manos se dio cuenta que aún se movía, a pesar de la compasión que sentía por las cosas indefensas la doctora no podía hacer nada para salvar a el pequeño gorrión así que decidió dejarlo encima de un árbol en el traspatio de su casa. Subió con mucha dificultad el árbol ya que solo contaba con una mano porque en la otra cargaba el pequeño cuerpo del ave, allí, encima del árbol había un pequeño mundo, hormigas trepaban de un lado para otro cargando en su espalda un peso mucho más grande que el de ellas mismas, además había una ardilla que por algún motivo había terminado en el solitario árbol de su traspatio. La hermosa mujer dejo el gorrión suavemente en una ancha rama y se dispuso a bajar pero resbaló, no pudo aguantarse de ninguna rama era como si estas esquivaran sus dedos y la dejaban caer, un rápido vistazo hacia arriba le permitió ver las ramas del árbol y entre estas una estrella solitaria que brillaba fuertemente a pesar de las luces de la ciudad. Todo se volvió negro, no vio ni sintió nada ¿Morí? Era la pregunta de alguien que solo podía ver oscuridad ante sus ojos excepto durante un momento cuando una pequeña luz la ilumino ¿era un sol? pero ¿el sol es rojo? Se preguntó la mujer mientras observaba su propio cuerpo, había cambiado su bata de hospital por un vestido extraño lleno de colores que en su infancia le hubiera fascinado tenía algunos bordados y resaltaba su figura levemente en la cintura, todo parecía normal pero por alguna razón los colores parecían más intensos y vívidos, las aceras eran azules, las calles rojas, los semáforos solo tenían rosado y magenta, las persona tenían ropas y peinados muy alocadas, el cielo era amarillo y todos cantaban cuando parecían hablar, y todos parecían tan felices; ella solo pudo verlos extrañada. Todo esto parecía muy normal, nadie se quejaban de los canticos ni de que los autos se detuvieran a media calle para entonar una alegre canción al que conducía en el carril adyacente, todo parecía tan tranquilo y adormecedor y a la vez caótico y estúpido que sin darse cuenta termino cerca del hospital donde trabajaba o al menos donde debía estar el hospital. Ya el edificio no era un hospital ahora era un bonito local con piscina y niños que corrían y formaban alborotos y sus padres los miraban a lo lejos sonriendo, ella quedó sorprendida pero su curiosidad le fue más potente, entró al lugar y en un segundo fue arrastrada por unas mujeres con bikinis quienes la llevaron a una tienda y le entregaron un bañador y la adularon y la hicieron sentir querida con agradables palabras y buenas maneras, finalmente la convencieron de divertirse con ella ¿por qué había aceptado?. Luego de esto el día pasó extremadamente rápido, de la piscina a temperatura ambiente la llevaron a un spa y de allí a una peluquería, más tarde fue de compras hasta terminar exhausta de semejante día. Cuando quiso intentar pagar, le dijeron que no aceptaban dinero, el dinero era un bien primitivo que atraía todos los males por los que habían luchado erradicar. Se sintió feliz, pero había algo que extrañaba a pesar de todo ¿Pudiera alguien decirme dónde encontrar un hospital?- Hace mucho que no oíamos esas palabras, lo sentimos pero aquí cuando alguien muere simplemente lo hace; la multitud que la veía como una celebridad le contesto en un coro pero esto no la afecto como pensaba, ¿cuantas personas morían en el mundo a pesar de los miles de doctores que existían?¿ no era mejor un mundo donde todos vivían felices la mayoría del tiempo sin conflictos?¿ Es mejor este mundo extraño que el mío propio?

Todas estas preguntas rondaban su cabeza y ya tenía la respuesta, era más fácil vivir en un mundo donde no era necesario preocuparse por los débiles y lastimados ya que todos estaban de acuerdo en siempre llevarse bien sin guerras ni sufrimientos creados por nuestras propias estupideces, allí el único enemigo de la vida es el decaimiento programado que debe seguir todo ser creado para vivir en la naturaleza. La mujer ya no tenía preocupaciones; fue corriendo y saltando hasta su apartamento allí en su traspatio vio al sol esconderse en el horizonte y a la noche levantarse y en la inmensidad del cielo una estrella familiar que empezaban a caer de su pedestal nocturno- Una estrella fugaz!- pensó y por un momento mientras estaba hipnotizada por esa masa candente intergaláctica los rayos de luz que emanaba cegaron su vista y cerró sus ojos para recuperarse y como si solo hubiera pasado un momento se encontraba una vez más en un gris y oscuro autobús rayado y escrito por todos los lados mirando a una de sus compañeras de trabajo.

  • Amiga tienes unas enormes ojeras, cuando llegues a casa creo que deberías tomar un descanso.

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Excelente historia...

You have an interesting writing style, @fairylaw. If this story was a painting, it would be in the impressionistic style.

We have a recommendation for you. Long paragraphs are difficult to read. Could you please break them up into smaller paragraphs?

For example, here's the first part of your story:

She was a rather attractive doctor of those who uniquely combine a brilliant intelligence with an angelic face, her life had become an unsalvageable loop and at the same time an unbearable routine. She would get up in the morning, from there to her job where she would spend the whole day and once again return home.That night the loop was broken, the bus she normally take to go home every day had broken down and she had to start walking home.On the way despite the tiredness of the day she could contemplate the streets with their lights and colorful buildings, she looked to the right and saw a park full of young people his age laughing and having fun with their mobiles. Will I ever be able to have fun like that? In reality nothing was stopping her, the only reason for her loneliness was herself and her desire to excel and be the best at what she does. A little before arriving home she found a small sparrow that was on the ground, it seemed dead but when she took it in her hands she realized that it was still moving, despite the compassion she felt for helpless things the doctor could not do anything to save the little sparrow so she decided to leave it on top of a tree in the backyard of her house.

To improve the experience for the reader, you could break it up like this:

She was a rather attractive doctor of those who uniquely combine a brilliant intelligence with an angelic face, her life had become an unsalvageable loop and at the same time an unbearable routine. She would get up in the morning, from there to her job where she would spend the whole day and once again return home.

That night the loop was broken, the bus she normally take to go home every day had broken down and she had to start walking home. On the way despite the tiredness of the day she could contemplate the streets with their lights and colorful buildings, she looked to the right and saw a park full of young people his age laughing and having fun with their mobiles.

Will I ever be able to have fun like that?

In reality nothing was stopping her, the only reason for her loneliness was herself and her desire to excel and be the best at what she does.

A little before arriving home she found a small sparrow that was on the ground, it seemed dead but when she took it in her hands she realized that it was still moving, despite the compassion she felt for helpless things the doctor could not do anything to save the little sparrow so she decided to leave it on top of a tree in the backyard of her house.

Also, as we mentioned in our comment on your first story, we ask everyone who publishes in The Ink Well to read and comment on the work of at least two other community members for each story published in the community. Thank you.