The Big Stage

Everyone started laughing, and I was wondering: Was that really funny? I looked at my mom and dad; they were laughing at the lame joke I made. They started calling me a comedian, a funny guy, and that gave me the courage to get on stage that day.

Ever since I was little, making friends was never an issue for me because I was tagged as the funny one among my friends. It was never boring when I was around, especially with my friend Daniel by my side. I was always at the centre of all shenanigan acts because I always made jokes out of everything.

That evening, after I came back from school, I was surprised to meet my dad at home; he was mostly coming home late, or I wouldn’t see him for a day. I was so happy to see him that I forgot to take off my backpack. With all the last energy I had, I ran to offer him a hug. “My boy,” he said as he drew me into the air, then caught me again. “Daddy, did you run away from work since you’re home early?” He burst into laughter. Since I was genuinely posing a serious question, I wondered what was making him giggle.

He dropped me and said no; he only came home early because he was on leave. I was glad to have my dad at home with us. It was dinner time, and we were to have rice, fish sauce, and plantains. “I won’t let the long rice escape my plate because I want to grow tall like them.”

Everyone started laughing again, including my sisters. Was my comment that good, or do they have a very good sense of humour? That night, everything I said became a joke, which made everyone very happy. I started wondering if comedy was my calling.

Months later, the school talent show was announced, and I felt this was the time to spread my fame around the school. I would use my comedy talent on the stage; everyone has always told me I am funny and I am a comedian, so what could go wrong? The day came like a delivery day; there was panic in the air since it was my first time. I was at the back of the stage, waiting for my name to be called.

Image generated from POE AI

"Hello everyone! Let’s welcome Mr. Fash to the stage to share some comedy." I started making my way to the stage with sweaty palms; I couldn’t hold the mic properly. I looked around, and I could see so many angry and unhappy souls. “Oh God, how am I going to make these sad people laugh?” was my thought. I took the mic and said, “So many sad people are here; I should have brought a laughing gas.”

“Hahahahaha” filled the hall, and my confidence started to build up. I went on and on, and everyone was laughing even after I left the stage. I guess I was born with a good sense of humour.

Anyway, there are some people out there that I would tell a joke to, and they wouldn’t laugh. I think the situation in the country has made them lose their sense of humour, and nothing seems funny to them anymore.

I’m still fun to be with; if you meet me, I will definitely make you laugh or smile, at least. Are you smiling right now? I guess my charm also works online. Thanks for reading.


You are whoever you think you are and seeing from this post, you have quite a sense of humor, I guess I'll stick around to confirm my guess, Mr. fash.

Don’t worry, you will see more of me and I will see more of you. I’ll be dropping a video on Saturday about me. So if you have any question you want to ask me. You can drop it
🤭🤭 !BBH

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(5/5)@yinks! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fashtioluwa.

Thank you so much 🥂

There are people who make people laugh naturally, it is a gift they are born with and they use it to make people happy. You have a sense of humor even online. Haha.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Good day.

Thanks for reading and you’re welcome ♥️♥️😂

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/5)@rinconpoetico7! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fashtioluwa.

Comedy is a natural talent in some folks. I guess you carry such an embodiment as a humorous guy.
Hoping that I'd get to meet you someday in the real world.

I hope so too. I’ll be coming from the north too

His charm sure works, anyways he was appreciated.

That’s me o. I’m the one with the charm

Laughter is one of the best medicines for our own souls as well as for that of others. What a wonderful gift you have to be able to share your own brand of humour with others and bring so much joy! I'm glad you listened to the feedback you were being given and jumped confidently into stand-up at the school show! Is comedy something that you continued to pursue in life? Did you ever do any stand-up as an adult?

As a creative non-fiction piece, this story would have lifted off the page a bit more if you had introduced a little more show than tell. Check out this Ink Well article for some more guidance.

Show don't Tell

Thank you for sharing a story from your life in The Ink Well.

I never continue the pursuit as a lot of things came along the way and I felt it wasn’t something I should focus on. You know Nigeria parent will be like “ you wanna leave your studies and become a clown for people😂😂😂”

So I just do my comedy with only friends around

Good to know that you still have a sense of humor even online. There are people who are naturally gifted in making people laugh.

Thanks for sharing your life experience with us.

Thanks for reading too.
I like the fish swimming on your face.
Yes I checked your picture 😀😀
Nice meeting you. @quan45

Haha at first I was like which fish is he talking about before I read down 😂😂
Nice meeting you too.
Thank you very much.


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/5)@quan45! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fashtioluwa.

Good one sir, being humorous is a gift.

Thanks for using yours well.

Keep to that.

Greetings from here.

Thanks for stopping by friend 💐🤭